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The 10 most-read articles of June 2024

From energy-saving innovations and sustainable production methods to health warnings and groundbreaking technologies, these are the stories that captured the most attention in June 2024. 1. Schmidt Zeevis invests in t..

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TurtleTree launches first-ever animal-free lactoferrin

23 March 2023

TurtleTree, a global leader in animal-free functional dairy proteins, will today debut the world's first precision fermentation-produced lactoferrin —LF+—a high-value bioactive milk protein and one of the most powerful p...

Health Council wants integrated view on biotechnology

23 March 2023

Developments in biotechnology are moving fast. The promises are great: biotechnology can make an important contribution to achieving the United Nations' sustainable development goals and European and national objectives ...

Commission sets criteria against greenwashing

23 March 2023

On 22 March 2023 the Commission proposed common criteria against greenwashing and misleading environmental claims. According to the proposal, when companies choose to make a ‘green claim' about their products or services...

Hessing Supervers ready for the future

22 March 2023

Five million (!) packages will soon roll off the conveyor belt in Hessing Supervers' new Groente VersFabriek (vegetable fresh factory) in Greenport Venlo. To bolster that, the company is reinvesting in a series of fully ...

Hydrocarbons in food possible health concern

22 March 2023

EFSA experts provisionally concluded that mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) do not pose a health concern. They also confirmed that some substances in the group known as mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) ar...

'Meat successors are under a magnifying glass'

21 March 2023

Sales figures seem to be stagnating and the debate about low nutritional values is boiling over. Nevertheless, the Jan Zandbergen Group, one of the largest meat suppliers in Europe, is fully committed to meat substitutes...

Too Good To Go saved 18 million meals in 5 years

21 March 2023

Too Good To Go, the world's largest marketplace for surplus food, is celebrating its fifth anniversary in the Netherlands this month. In a relatively short time, the app against food waste has saved 18 million meals here...

Opportunities and challenges of blockchain for agri-food

21 March 2023

What are the most recent developments in the realm of blockchain applications? What opportunities and challenges does the technology present to the agri-food sector in the Netherlands? And what would help blockchain appl...

Zero downtime, maximum output at Simons Halal

20 March 2023

As a food producer today, you face many challenges. How can you still achieve maximum output? Simons Halal Food chose a Repak packaging machine that increases efficiency, has minimal downtime and is easy for everyone to ...

Will ‘meat shaming’ reduce meat consumption?

20 March 2023

'Meat shaming' stickers on meat packaging can have an inhibiting effect on meat purchases. Stickers that point to animal suffering, in particular, stir up feelings of shame, this is according to a Research by Anne-Madele...

Number of dairy cows hardly declined

20 March 2023

The number of dairy cows in the Netherlands remained almost the same in 2022, at 1.57 million. The number of pigs decreased slightly in the last year, while the goat herd grew slightly in size. This is according to final...

The importance of steam quality in the food industry

16 March 2023

Different steam qualities are used in industry. Each of them have different contamination risks. Steam quality can affect the quality and safety of the final food product. Therefore, it is important to have the right typ...

Meat and dairy tax addressed once again

16 March 2023

The cabinet wants at least a 55% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2030. The report 'Sharp goals, sharp choices' describes how the cabinet wants to tackle this, among other things a possible meat and dairy tax is mentione...

New method to measure environmental impact of food

16 March 2023

Foundation Earth recently published a new method to assess the environmental impact of food and drink products. The methodology, which proposes an improved version of the European Commission’s Product Environmental Fo...

FrieslandCampina opent lactoferrine productiefaciliteit

16 March 2023

FrieslandCampina Ingredients opende op 16 maart 2023 een nieuwe lactoferrine productiefaciliteit in Veghel om te voorzien in de stijgende wereldwijde vraag naar dit ingrediënt in zowel de kinder- als volwassenvoedingsmar...