Utrecht embraces local and sustainable food
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Utrecht embraces local and sustainable food

  • 25 March 2024

In Utrecht, seventeen organizations have signed the covenant ‘Together we make the province of Utrecht more beautiful through food’. With this, they commit to promoting local and sustainable food supply. This initiative, supported by prominent parties such as the World Wildlife Fund and the Royal Jaarbeurs, signifies a major shift in the approach to food in Utrecht's corporate dining facilities.

The essence of this agreement is to enhance healthy and sustainable eating from what's known as the short supply chain. By sourcing food from local producers, these participating organizations contribute to a greener, healthier Utrecht. The movement includes not only big names like NS and the St. Antonius Hospital, but also a diverse range of caterers and producers. They are joining forces to make strides towards the desired agricultural and food transition in the province.

‘Broodje Utrecht’ as a symbol of innovation

To make this collaboration tangible, some participants introduced ‘Broodje Utrecht’. This artisanal sandwich, made from local Utrecht products, embodies the ambition of this initiative. It serves as an example of how local, fairly priced products can find their way onto company menus. Deputy Mirjam Sterk highlights the importance of such initiatives: “As a province, we encourage eating from the short supply chain. This not only contributes to sustainability and health but also supports the income model of Utrecht's farmers.”

Looking ahead together

With this agreement, the seventeen parties demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable future. The province of Utrecht, as the initiator, plays a crucial role in bringing together businesses, caterers, and food producers. By encouraging collaboration, they take a significant step towards responsible food production and consumption. ‘Broodje Utrecht’ is just the beginning of what is hoped to be a widely supported movement, focusing on strengthening local production and improving food supply in Utrecht.


Source: Provincie Utrecht