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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Brexit ‘no-deal' be prepared

05 September 2019

Acht weken voordat het Verenigd Koninkrijk zich op 31 oktober 2019 uit de Europese Unie terugtrekt, herhaalt de Commissie in haar zesde mededeling over de voorbereidingen voor de brexit haar oproep tot alle belanghebbend...

Share of meat substitutes continues to grow

03 September 2019

The number of meat substitutes sold in supermarkets has increased by 51 percent since 2017. This increase is at the expense of the sale of real meat. That's what research agency IRI reports. Since 2016, the number of veg...

Meet Jack and Bolscher start vegan jackfruit revolution

02 September 2019

Vegan startup Meet Jack and Bolscher 'meer dan vlees' are working together in the production and sale of vegan jackfruit products as of September 1st 2019. Meet Jack is an innovative food startup and has been working ...

Diviande introduces FiftyFifty, best of both worlds

02 September 2019

Under the brand name FiftyFifty, Diviande / Jan Zandbergen offers an innovative range of products, made up of 50% meat and 50% vegetables. FiftyFifty is a wonderful option for consumers seeking to strike the right balanc...

BRC8 - Theme meeting at Cloetta Turnhout

02 September 2019

The new BRC version has been active since February 2019: BRC 8. Many companies are still struggling to get the new requirements implemented. How will the auditor assess this, is our company sufficiently prepared? Changes...

Reaction Nevedi: Facts about soy in animal feed

30 August 2019

The media are currently discussing the use of soya in animal feed. This was prompted by the recent fires in the Amazon. Not all discussions are factual. There appears to be little knowledge about soy imports into the Net...

Netherlands most affected by No-deal Brexit

30 August 2019

A hard Brexit means a greater effect on the competitive position of Dutch companies than companies from other European countries.  However, the initial impact will be greater in the UK than in Europe. Regional di...

Lack of throw-away info obstacle for recycling

29 August 2019

Consumers find it difficult to determine in which waste bin the packaging should be put.  Strikingly often, on almost half of the packaging, there is no information at all about which waste bin it should be thrown i...

Chicken protein without chicken!

27 August 2019

A vegetable-based chicken protein based on a fungus can make the use of eggs in the food industry unnecessary. Within a few years FunGeneX, a subsidiary of BioscienZ, wants to launch the product on the market.  C...

Nominations Dutch Liegebeest 2019

26 August 2019

Wakker Dier nominated five candidates for the Liegebeest election 2019 on 26 August: enriched' ebony chicken from McDonald's, 'tenderly produced' milk chocolate from Milka, 'stress-free' Irish cattle from Bord Bia, 'lovi...

ASN Bank World Award seeks smart ideas

21 August 2019

A dream, brilliant idea or concrete business plan? Starting entrepreneurs, with a smart idea for a better world, can sign up for the competition for sustainable start-ups in the Netherlands as of this week. The ASN Bank ...

There are many short chains in Holland

20 August 2019

Without noticing, there are many short-chain products in the supermarket, more than many people think. Jan Willem van der Schans, researcher at Wageningen University and Research, has done research on this subject. Accor...

One quarter of companies are understaffed

20 August 2019

Staff shortages have been an issue for companies for some time now. A quarter of all companies still experience obstacles to carrying out business activities due to labour shortages. At the beginning of the third quarter...

New method for blue energy

15 August 2019

Recently, researchers at Stanford University in America have developed a battery that can generate energy using freshwater and saltwater streams. This makes the research team the first to use a battery to generate 'blue ...

Tomorrow's food: Pills, powders and insects

15 August 2019

On Wednesday 10 July, De Studio, the new location of the NEMO Science Museum at Marineterrein Amsterdam, opened with the exhibition 'Voedsel van morgen' (Tomorrow's food). In this exhibition, NEMO, in collaboration with ...