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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Proud of our network

12 April 2021

I cannot emphasise it often enough: the OSV is such a fine network of fine people, or rather fine friends. Friends as meant in the proverb: 'a friend in need is a friend indeed!' You could say that we have been in (coron...

NVWA checks on additives in meat preparations and products

12 April 2021

Meat processing companies must adjust the recipes and labels of the meat preparations they sell, so that they comply with the European rules for the use of additives (E-numbers) in meat preparations and meat products. Th...

FNLI stimulates learning during the corona crisis

12 April 2021

Entrepreneurs in the food, feed and agro industry face major challenges as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. The FNLI, Stichting Ontwikkelingsfonds Levensmiddelenindustrie (SOL) and 10 cooperating partners, consisting of ...

Politici zetten zich in voor gezonde voedselomgeving

09 April 2021

De Verenigde Naties heeft 2021 uitgeroepen tot International Year of Fruit and Vegetables, een jaar waarin wereldwijd extra aandacht is voor het belang van gezonde, duurzame voeding voor iedereen. Op wereldgezondheidsdag...

Royal Koopmans exists 175 years!

09 April 2021

In 1846, Uilke Klazes Koopmans, as the first 'pioneer in grain', sowed the seeds for Royal Koopmans. 175 years later, his traditional rosmolen has developed into an international ingredients company. The expertise centre...

25% organic food in the Netherlands ‘not realistic’

07 April 2021

In a further elaboration on the Farm to Fork strategy of Euro-commissioner Frans Timmermans, the Commission states that the acreage of organic farmland should increase from the current 8.5 per cent to 25 per cent by 2030...

Handtmann Group acquires Verbufa BV

07 April 2021

Handtmann Group has acquired Verbufa BV with effect from 1 April 2021. Handtmann Machinefabriek from Biberach in Baden-Württemberg is part of Handtmann Group and is the world's largest supplier of solutions for portionin...

Toolkit helps regions in EU towards bio-economy

06 April 2021

How can regions successfully convert residual streams from the food and agriculture industry into food, animal feed, chemicals, materials or energy? A comprehensive toolkit was recently developed that allows regions to c...

ME-AT focuses on home-grown plant-based proteins

06 April 2021

Vegetable meat replacements have a sustainable image. But the ingredients, such as soya, often come from outside Europe. This can also be done differently. ME-AT, Herba Ingredients, Agrifirm and ZLTO are working together...

Increasingly positive interest in cultured meat

06 April 2021

Cultured meat is in full swing and receiving positive attention from consumers, according to research by ABN AMRO. However, there are still major obstacles to be overcome before cultured meat really finds its way to the ...

Processing and automation expertise: Proteins

06 April 2021

The focus of the second round of the MULTIVAC Summit 2021 is on the efficient processing and packaging of protein products.  With a fully automated line for slicing and packaging processed cheese, MULTIVAC will d...

VanDrie Group opens research centre

01 April 2021

The VanDrie Group is expanding its innovation capacity with a brand new 'Drieveld' research centre in Uddel, Gelderland. The purpose of this research centre is to help the VanDrie Group's Research & Development (R&am...

NEN establishes standards committee for food fraud

01 April 2021

Determining the authenticity of food products is receiving a great deal of attention. At the European level, agreements are made on various methods for demonstrating food fraud. There is also interest in this subject in ...

Hessing builds production site in Greenport Venlo

01 April 2021

Hessing has started building a new vegetable production site in Horst aan de Maas, Greenport Venlo. Today the first concrete was poured, in the presence of Joost van den Akker, deputy of the Province of Limburg, Ryan Pal...

Dutch Food security: robust with frayed edges

01 April 2021

Although food security in the Netherlands is not immune to disruptions, it can certainly be qualified as robust. However, food security is also about access to food and the way in which it contributes to a healthy lifest...