LTO Netherlands wants addition to Agro-Nutrimonitor
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LTO Netherlands wants addition to Agro-Nutrimonitor

  • 10 November 2022

At the end of October 2022, WUR published the Agro-Nutrimonitor commissioned by the ACM. LTO Netherlands responds to the study, which mainly covers the years 2018-2020.

The organisations appreciate the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and the ACM to make agricultural and horticultural markets more transparent with the Agro-Nutrimonitor, including the distribution of margins in the chain. Transparency remains a concern, as does consumer confidence in sustainability claims. Many questions also remain about the mechanisms behind percentage margins. Price does not say everything: it is also about return on invested capital and who bears the risks of crop failures and calamities such as corona.

Consumers' appreciation of the added value of more sustainable products remains a concern and will not resolve itself in the market. Changing market rules (competition) or more subsidies: something has to change somewhere. LTO Netherlands therefore thinks there should be a follow-up to the Agro-Nutrimonitor.

Source: LTO Nederland