Marketing claims organic, what are you allowed to say?
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Marketing claims organic, what are you allowed to say?

  • 08 November 2022

To get the message of organic across to consumers, good communication is obviously very important. For example, through claims on labels, in advertisements, in the supermarket and on the website. But what exactly is organic? What can you claim about it? What is the evidence for it? And what does the legislation say? 

Organic is a way of producing food with many elements. Therefore, many different aspects of it can be highlighted in a claim. When formulating claims, legislation must of course be taken into account. To give organic producers a helping hand, Bionext has published a Greenpaper in cooperation with Précon. It deals with the relevant legislation on organic. It also provides some important points of interest and tips, and finally some examples of claims that can help in practice.

View the Greenpaper: 'Organic, what can you say?'(Dutch only)

Source: Bionext