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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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‘Cost price rise biggest problem for food industry'

05 April 2022

The availability of raw materials is less of a problem for the Dutch food industry than price increases. Only the availability of sunflower oil is a bottleneck. There are problems with price increases on several cost com...

Downturn in economic climate expected

04 April 2022

At the beginning of March, entrepreneurs in the food industry were much more pessimistic about the development of the economic climate than in the first two months of this year. In fact, the only time entrepreneurs were ...

Meat consumption in Germany drops by 2.1 kg in 2021

04 April 2022

Per capita German meat consumption fell by 2.1 kilograms compared to 2020 and is thus at a new record low since consumption was calculated in 1989. This is according to preliminary data from the Federal Agricultural Info...

COV: Meat tax will be counterproductive

01 April 2022

The idea of a meat tax is counterproductive in terms of both public health and the sectors' sustainability agenda. This is according to the organisations in the meat sector, united in the Meat Coalition, in response to a...

Innovatieve groei zorgt voor splitsing van Omori en Selo

31 March 2022

De Japanse onderneming Omori Machinery Co. Ltd., heeft op 2 maart jl. haar belangen verkocht in de Selo Food Group uit Hengelo. Omori is een internationaal opererende fabrikant van hightech verpakkingsapparatuur met een ...

Latest portioning technology for small meat batches

31 March 2022

Finest quality, high flexibility and maximum yield even with smaller batches of meat. This is possible with MULTIVAC's new entry-level model: the universal portioning machine TVI GMS 400. This machine will be launched at...

The Vegetarian Butcher is the most sustainable brand of 2022

31 March 2022

After Tony's Chocolonely took the lead in the Sustainable Brand Index for the last 4 years, this year The Vegetarian Butcher is seen as the most sustainable brand by Dutch consumers. Tony's Chocolonely is just behind The...

NVB: Bread deserves a 0% VAT rate

30 March 2022

The bakery industry has already taken a number of successful steps to guarantee the health of Dutch citizens. In order to reinforce the industry's actions, steps must also be taken by the government. A low VAT rate makes...

Ban on disposable plastic starting in 2024

30 March 2022

By 2024, disposable plastic cups and containers will not be allowed when eating or drinking in restaurants, festivals or offices. Reusable plates and cups will then be the standard in order to prevent environmental pollu...

Grip on Food - from ERP system to business process

29 March 2022

Get maximum value from an ERP system tailored to the unique challenges of the food industry. Hardly anywhere is keeping a grip on your business processes as crucial, and at the same time as challenging, as in the Food...

Concerns in egg chain about rising prices

29 March 2022

The latest developments in Ukraine and the economic sanctions that followed have major consequences for the Dutch egg chain, reports Anevei (the General Dutch Association of Egg Traders and Egg Product Manufacturers). Th...

Food companies want to stimulate energy transition

28 March 2022

On Thursday 24 March 2022, FNLI and VNP presented the Cluster Energy Strategy (CES) of 'Cluster 6' on behalf of nine industrial sectors to the Minister of Climate and Energy. This report describes how these sectors inten...

Dutch grain for Dutch bread: it's possible

28 March 2022

If all links in the chain work together, Dutch bread can come from Dutch grain in the future. To this end, the 150 participants in the Grains Theme Day on Thursday 24 March signed the 'Nijkerk intention: We opt for our o...

Microplastics found in human bloodstream

28 March 2022

A research team has become the first to demonstrate that plastic particles from our living environment end up in the human bloodstream. The results of the research project, called Immunoplast, were published on 24 March ...

NVWA does not enforce on faulty labels

28 March 2022

A shortage of sunflower oil is expected now that the export from the Ukraine has stopped. This means that sunflower oil will be (partly) replaced by other vegetable oils, such as rapeseed oil or soya oil. If there are al...