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WUR launches research into recycled food packaging film

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has embarked on a four-year project to investigate the safety of recycled PE and PP film for use in food packaging. Collaborating with eleven industrial partners, WUR is leading..

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More variety in meat substitutes in demand

21 September 2020

In March, Distrifood reported that sales of meat substitutes never grew as much as in 2019. Data and research agency Nielsen calculated a growth of 30%. This trend, which will continue, will also lead to the demand for a...

French government works on eco-footprint label

21 September 2020

The new French Minister for 'ecological transition', Barbara Pompili, together with her colleagues from agriculture and finance, is launching a study on labelling the environmental footprint of food products. The aim is ...

Discovery tours

14 September 2020

'Nothing new under the sun', was what I thought in June, at the start of my summer vacation. The corona crisis quietly muddled on. No big trip to unknown places. No unexpected encounters or new mountain hiking routes, no...

The growth potential of the protein transition

14 September 2020

Agriculture and livestock farming are responsible for a substantial part of our impact on the environment: globally, these sectors account for some 20% of greenhouse gas emissions (FAO, 2016). In order to meet the climat...

The right machine for every operation

14 September 2020

Meat substitutes and other plant-based products (such as substitutes for cheese and other milk products) are on the rise. Sismatec process & packaging solutions sees this as an enormous growth market and can put its ...

New packaging solutions for plant-based

14 September 2020

The development, production, packaging and marketing of plant-based food is an inspiring and dynamic process. The North American company Reiser supports companies that sell their vegetable meat substitutes worldwide, say...

Veggie meat: 'The texture must be good'.

14 September 2020

At TOP BV in Wageningen they succeeded in making a really good vegetarian burger. The next brainteaser? "Whole muscle meats!"  If you don't realise that something is going on in the meat sector (or should we say:...

Saving time with new high-speed doors at Beko

14 September 2020

The functionality of doors is underestimated, experts in the food industry know this. When building a conditioned room, Beko Groothandel therefore made an analysis of the new doors to be used.  Nothing is produce...

Pioneering innovation: antiviral (wall) panels

14 September 2020

Forget mdf, plywood or chipboard! Discover Sealwise WCB; circular and fully waterproof panels made of recycled PVC. Sealwise WCB, because that's the name of the material, has a number of special properties, of which t...

Innovate during a crisis: fast and smart packaging

08 September 2020

We use the crisis to innovate. Right now. Now it is important for you to package your products super fast, reliable and smart. So that you too can survive the crisis. With our ultramodern TX tray sealer we make this poss...

Fish processors demand a say in the North Sea agreement

03 September 2020

The Dutch fish processing industry, with an annual turnover of 4.5 billion euros and more than 5,000 jobs, demands a place at the table in future discussions about the deadlocked North Sea draft agreement. The Fish Feder...

Empack: van hybride naar online only evenement

31 August 2020

Empack Reconnect, de vakbeurs voor verpakkingstechnologie, zal op donderdag 17 september a.s. doorgang vinden als een volledig online evenement. Dit betekent dat de fysieke vakbeurs in Jaarbeurs Utrecht niet doorgaat. On...

Dutch Consumers' Association: stop misleading packaging

28 August 2020

There is no end to the fight against misleading food packaging.  That's what the Consumers' Association found in an research into new misleading packaging. The government must finally take serious steps to stop this...

Pioneering innovation in wall panels

25 August 2020

Have you heard of the Waterproof Construction Board (WCB)? Forget mdf, plywood or chipboard. Discover the durable and fully waterproof polyvinyl chloride Sealwise WCB. Think of wall panels in the production environment, ...

Unveiling new antiviral (wall) panels

18 August 2020

Wall coverings and partitions that are anti-bacterial and anti-viral; do you believe it yourself? Oh, they already exist... That's going to cost a lot then! It's not that bad, you say. Tell me... Sealwise WCB, the nam...