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Stricter hygiene measures due to African swine fever

African swine fever (ASF) continues to spread in Germany, prompting Dutch authorities to demand stricter hygiene measures. Both wild boars and domestic pigs in the German states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate have bee..

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Alpro goes for Nutri-Score

18 July 2019

As of September, Alpro, a pioneer in vegetable alternatives for dairy products, will put Nutri-Score on the front of the packaging. "Alpro has been committed to encouraging healthy eating habits for almost 40 years. The ...

Nieuwe versie van informatieblad 85

15 July 2019

De NVWA heeft een nieuwe versie van het informatieblad 85 uitgebracht. In een extra versie met gemarkeerde wijzigingen is te zien welke wijzigingen zijn aangebracht ten opzichte van de vorige versie (van september 2017)....

ALDI: Disney Figures and major food groups

08 July 2019

ALDI announced on 4 July 2019 the next step in promoting healthy products among children. As of January 2020, there will be several major food group products in the store with a beautiful Disney princess (such as Cindere...

Mineral oils in food decreased

04 July 2019

The levels of mineral oils in food products have decreased in recent decades. This is shown by an evaluation of the available literature on mineral oils in food. The RIVM Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu car...

FutureGoods on the shelves at Lidl

01 July 2019

Insects, granola with mealworm powder, seaweed wraps, vegan ice cream and rescue food. As of 27 June, Lidl, the supermarket chain, in collaboration with incubator StartLife, will organise the 'FutureGoods' theme week. Fo...

AH pleads for Nutri-score

01 July 2019

Starting this summer, online customers will find the Nutri-Score logo on all Albert Heijn private label products in the webshop. Albert Heijn no longer waits for the government to decide on a food choice logo, but ...

Crop protection for fruit and vegetables decreased

24 June 2019

The number of fruit and vegetable products that contain more crop protection agents than legally permitted has continued to decline. In the period from 2003 to 2010 there was already a decrease. This decline continued be...

Listeria, blessing or curse?

10 June 2019

Listeria monocytogenes; no matter how small the bacterium is, it can be food producers’ worst nightmare. Because Listeria is all around us and not easy to control. The chilled fresh section in the supermarket is onl...

New Construction

10 June 2019

The Dutch construction sector is doing well, and the food sector is following suit. New laws and regulations are an incentive for investments. Because everything needs to be more sustainable, better quality, gasless, mor...

Interessant voor alle markten

10 June 2019

Nu de effectiviteit van droog desinfecteren met het Nocotech concept in de vis- en vleesindustrie veel succes boekt, is er steeds meer belangstelling van fabrieken die poeders maken. Het gaat voornamelijk om melkpoeder (...

AH-medewerkers: ‘Master in vers’

05 June 2019

Albert Heijn zet vol in op het beste versaanbod in Nederland. Daartoe worden drie winkels per week omgebouwd naar het nieuwste winkelconcept met meer ruimte voor vers eten en kookinspiratie. Medewerkers krijgen bovendien...

Wageningen Food Safety Research launched

04 June 2019

Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR) was launched on 1 June 2019. WFSR is the new institute for food safety in the Netherlands. The new organization is a merger of RIKILT Wageningen University & Research and the La...

Dutch National Sugar Challenge launched

03 June 2019

7 days of healthy eating and drinking with no added sugar: that's the National Sugar Challenge of the Diabetes Fund. The campaign started on 3 June and runs until 9 June. With this campaign, the Diabetes Fund hopes to ma...

Detecting bacteria via biosensors

24 May 2019

Maastricht University, KULeuven and Hasselt University have developed a sensor technology that tests products for bacteria. New biosensors allow food products to be tested cheaply and quickly during the production proces...

HAK enters Nutri-Score

23 May 2019

Vegetable manufacturer HAK is not waiting for the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) to take a final decision on a new food choice logo as a successor to the 'Tick', which was abolished in 2016. As of 1 Septembe...