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Million-euro grant for research on pathogens in plant-based products

Researchers of Wageningen University & Research have received a grant of one million euros through the international platform Plant2Food. This funding is intended for a study on pathogens in plant-based products. The..

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NVWA: drug use violations in slaughter animals

15 August 2023

Between September and December 2022, the NVWA conducted additional random checks at slaughterhouses for horses, goats, calves and sheep, in addition to the regular National Residue Program (NPR). Of the 186 additional sa...

Ultra-processed foods are not necessarily unhealthy

01 August 2023

A new research project is challenging the idea that heavily processed foods can't be part of a healthy diet. This study aims to develop a diet plan that gets 80% of its calories from heavily processed foods, while still ...

Agrifirm innovates with sustainable rumen-resistant protein

21 July 2023

Agrifirm has patented a technology called Greenwave that enables climate-friendly production of rumen-resistant protein for cattle feed. This technology not only reduces nitrogen and CO2 emissions in dairy farming, but a...

Farmers worldwide oppose food from laboratories

18 July 2023

The World Farmers' Organization (WFO), a global organization representing more than 1.2 billion farmers, opposes the acceptance of laboratory-grown food as a substitute for food produced by farmers. The position, adop...

Obligation to keep poultry indoors mostly withdrawn

10 July 2023

The Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) has decided to repeal the obligation to keep poultry indoors with immediate effect for almost the whole of the Netherlands. However, the requirement to house and...

RIVM: Dutch have too much PFAS intake

10 July 2023

People in the Netherlands ingest too many PFAS(Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances ) through food and drinking water combined. New research by the RIVM confirms this. However, the amount of PFAS is lower than previously ...

Natural variations in fatty acid composition investigated

03 July 2023

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is conducting a study this year on the fatty acid composition of twenty vegetable and animal oils and fats. This research is being commissioned by MVO and the results will be in...

Major changes in import requirements for vegetables

29 June 2023

On July 1, 2023, the new temporary implementing regulation (EU) 2023/1134 comes into force to prevent the introduction and spread of Spodoptera frugiperda in the EU. Spodoptera frugiperda, called 'fall armyworm' in Engli...

Hillco has confidence in Lets: clean is clean

22 June 2023

When you move into a new building, like Hillco Poeliersbedrijf, you want to be able to rely on an efficient, high-quality cleaning system. Good hygiene is essential for producing and delivering high-quality chicken produ...

Get insight into lubricant quality

19 June 2023

Having your oil tested annually can save you a lot of money. Changing oil is a high expense, so you don't want to do that too often. But you don't want to do it too late either! Having your oil analyzed at an independent...

Jackit: Your answer to renovation and new construction

19 June 2023

Sooner or later the production floor needs maintenance or refurbishment. It's never really convenient. Renovation and construction specialist Jackit works as flexibly as possible to keep business processes flowing. "S...

Urker Zalmhuys uses a workable hygienic floor

19 June 2023

On Urk, the fish trade is never far away. The Urker Zalmhuys, once started as a small smokehouse, will soon open a fourth location there. From this location, the smoked salmon will be distributed. What kind of conditions...

Maintenance for Nocotech disinfection machines

19 June 2023

Although the Nocotech disinfection machines hardly need any maintenance, it is advisable to have a few things checked annually and replaced if necessary. One example is the replacement of a pump tube. This prevents malfu...

Audits: bizarre requirements, red tape and stress

19 June 2023

It's nerve-wracking when an audit is about to take place. Quickly putting together the latest risk assessments, preparing source-cause analyses and urging the management to prepare the management review themselves this t...

Want to be sure of low infection levels?

19 June 2023

If a production area is just new, the risk of infection will be low. The biofilm in which microorganisms feel comfortable has not yet been built up. But that can happen quickly. Especially once production gets going. Moi...