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Smaak & Co aims for high-risk production environment

Smaak & Co takes no risks when it comes to food safety and quality. The producer of fresh cream cheese products and tapas aims for a high-risk production environment. To achieve this, the company collaborates with re..

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Column Judith Witte: Plea for more openness

15 May 2023

Warning: this is going to be a gross story. On top of the already opened package of coconut cream is a green gummy skin. The package was in my very clean refrigerator, but clearly for too long. It's my own fault, a gi...

Hygiene for rent!

15 May 2023

In the food industry, hygiene is an absolute requirement. Everyone who prepares, processes and sells food must meet strict hygiene requirements. All employees, active in this environment, must wear impeccable and certifi...

Improve food safety: prevent frost and condensation

15 May 2023

While politicians and scientists tumble over each other in the search for the best solutions to the global climate problem, there is a striking consensus when it comes to the indoor climate in production areas. In partic...

Pieter Vos: Risk assessment as a management tool

15 May 2023

"Dad," my son said one day, "I lack direction. I feel like I'm 'just winging it' in my job." He finished his college education and found a nice job. "And you know," he continues, "when I attend meetings, or hear conversa...

Disinfection down to the cubic millimeter

15 May 2023

Far from hierarchy, a preference for fast paced operations and an entrepreneurial family mentality. This is how fish company Noordzee International has grown rapidly. Reliable disinfection is essential.  What kin...

Biological control of stubborn pathogens

15 May 2023

How can you remove stubborn environmental contaminants that - despite carrying out thorough cleaning and disinfection - are still present? Eco2Clean developed two new products for this purpose. With a cocktail of differe...

Maarten Cordernier: Automation reduces food safety risks

15 May 2023

I am convinced that most food producers only want to deliver safe food to the retail. Which does not detract from the fact that there are many challenges (and temptations) here. An unfortunate incident could happen at an...

Microbiological challenges plant-based alternatives

15 May 2023

Globally, the market for plant-based dairy and meat alternatives is growing. Little is known about the specific microbiological hazards for applications of plant-based ingredients in new product formulations. Predictive ...

EFSA sheds light on cell culture-derived food evaluation

15 May 2023

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is committed to ensuring the incorporation of the latest scientific advancements and risk assessment developments in establishing safety standards for the evaluation of new food ...

Exposure to chemicals via food too high

09 May 2023

Exposure to a combination of chemicals via food and drinking water may seem too high, according to an exploratory study by RIVM commissioned by the European Commission. The researchers looked at the intake of four differ...

New breeding techniques regulation reviewed

08 May 2023

European regulations on new breeding techniques are being reviewed by the European Commission, which is expected to come up with a legislative proposal by the end of June 2023. Currently, for example, technology falling ...

Calculating the Total Value of Hygienic Machine Design

04 May 2023

Hygienic motion design delivers savings now and in the long term. To maximise profitability, food and beverage production lines need to run 16-20 hours a day, every day. Washdown is a principal cause of motor failure....

Smart robots to make a salad

02 May 2023

Picking and packaging a bunch of grapes with a robot already requires a lot of technology. But it can get even more complicated: automatically preparing a ready-to-eat salad. Researchers from Wageningen University & ...

7 major changes in IFS Food version 8

01 May 2023

The new version of the IFS Food standard was published on 18 April 2023. From 1 October 2023, it will be possible for companies to perform audits according to the new version. From 1 January 2024, this will be mandatory....

EFSA: low levels of pesticides in EU food

28 April 2023

The latest European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) report on pesticide residues in food in the European Union was published on 26 April 2023. The report provides a snapshot of residue levels found in a selection of commonl...