Food producers cut back on expensive ingredients
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Food producers cut back on expensive ingredients

  • 24 April 2024

Food producers in the Netherlands are reducing the use of costly ingredients in their food products. Despite these cutbacks, the price of many products remains the same or even increases. This is highlighted in a recent study by the Consumers Association.

Changes in composition

An analysis of over 600 supermarket products shows that approximately 25% of the products have changed in composition over the past five years. For instance, the fish content in Albert Heijn's lekkerbekjes has decreased from 75% to 55%. Similarly, the proportion of olive oil in Bertolli liquid has dropped from 20% to just 7%. In Plus supermarket's forest fruit lemonade, the percentage of forest fruits has been reduced from 19% to 6%.

Manufacturers attribute these adjustments to rising raw material prices. Plus argues that the change in their forest fruit lemonade does not affect the taste, as it is primarily determined by added flavours. Albert Heijn even claims an improvement in its lekkerbekjes due to a thicker crispy layer, despite the reduced fish content.

This trend is particularly noticeable in store-brand products, where 60% of the changes occur. This raises questions about the balance between quality and cost-saving within the food industry.

Image: ©LADO/

Source: Consumentenbond