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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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High-protein food of the future

21 October 2019

High-protein food of the future' is the vision of the Future Food Group that started at the beginning of October 2019. Future Food Group intends to be a leading party in the innovation and production of sustainable and e...

The Dutch go for a future without hunger

17 October 2019

Wednesday 16 October on World Food Day, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BZ) launched the 'Netherlands Food Partnership' (NFP); a new movement that helps par...

BoerBurgerBeweging wants law Right to Agriculture

17 October 2019

The political party BoerBurgerBeweging wants the Netherlands to have a law on the Right to Agriculture. This law should better safeguard the livelihoods of farmers and horticulturists and protect farmers better. When BBB...

Active handling of fraud organic food

16 October 2019

In response to the answers to parliamentary questions on 7 October about fraud with organic and conventional meat, Bionext wants to discuss the follow-up of fraud. As a result of insufficient capacity at the NVWA, fraud ...

Suiker Unie will produce protein from leaves

16 October 2019

Suiker Unie officially took its Green Protein Demo Plant into use on 10 October. It started producing protein from beet leaves. This is done using a unique, pioneering method, the exclusive licence of which has been obta...

Vegan raw minced meat

15 October 2019

The technology for developing meat substitutes is improving. More and more alternatives are coming onto the market. For example, Nestlé is introducing the Garden Gourmet Incredible Minced Meat; vegan raw minced meat that...

Suiker Unie wins FNLI award 2019

14 October 2019

Suiker Unie won the FNLI Award 2019 on 10 October. For the first time, the Dutch Food Industry Federation (Federatie Nederlandse Levensmiddelenindustrie) presented this award to individuals or teams who work admirably to...

Food industry remains stable sector

11 October 2019

The annual Monitor of the Dutch Food Industry Federation (FNLI), which was presented on Thursday 10 October, shows that the food industry in the Netherlands continues to develop in a very stable manner. The future challe...

Vion launches meat substitutes

09 October 2019

Vion, the largest meat processor in the Netherlands, presented a new brand for plant-based meat at the Anuga trade fair in Cologne on 9 October. According to ProVeg Nederland, the introduction of Vion is the next step in...

How do you prevent Listeria?

08 October 2019

Listeria infection is at the top of the list of serious infections. If your company is affected, the consequences are almost incalculable. At such a moment, you are diligently looking for solutions to get the Listeria ou...

TED'S translates craft to factory

07 October 2019

The range at TED'S Food Factory is often developed together with the customer. The company also asked for tailor-made solutions for their machinery. As a result, a full service contract was concluded with Espera for the ...

Consument besteedt meer aan duurzaam voedsel

04 October 2019

De Nederlandse consument geeft steeds meer geld uit aan voedsel dat voorzien is van een keurmerk. In 2018 kochten huishoudens voor 4,9 miljard euro aan dier- en milieuvriendelijk geproduceerd voedsel, een stijging van 7%...

The Dutch fight against food waste

03 October 2019

The Dutch have started to waste less food at home. In 2019, the Dutch wasted 34.3 kilos of food per person; almost 7 kilos less than in 2016. There is also less drinking washed away through the sink and the toilet. This ...

Spadel wants a deposit on all beverage packaging

01 October 2019

Spadel Nederland calls on the business community and politicians to quickly introduce a deposit system for all beverage packaging, including small bottles and cans. The producer of the brands SPA and BRU wants to discuss...

Nederlanders zamelen fors meer kunststof in

01 October 2019

Nederlandse huishoudens hebben in 2017 veel meer kunststofverpakkingen ingezameld vergeleken met 2014. Dit blijkt uit een gedetailleerde analyse, uitgevoerd door onderzoekers van Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, ...