Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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7 miljoen extra tegen voedselverspilling

01 October 2019

In de begroting van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) is ruim aandacht voor voedselverspilling. Het tegengaan van voedselverspilling is onderdeel van een bredere transitie naar kringlooplandbo...

Boeren protesteren tegen stikstofbesluit

01 October 2019

Op dinsdag 1 oktober komen zo’n 10.500 boeren bij elkaar in Den Haag. Ze protesteren tegen het stikstofbesluit van de Tweede Kamer. Daarnaast protesteren zij ook tegen het advies om de veestapel in Nederland in te krimpe...

Ahold Delhaize increases commitment to slash food waste in half by 2030

25 September 2019

Ahold Delhaize announced on 25 September 2019 it will extend its commitment to cut food waste in its brands’ operations. The reduction is in line with the global goal of reducing food waste by 50% by 2030. It will also i...

Meat consumption in the Netherlands increases

24 September 2019

The total consumption of meat and meat products (based on carcass weight) per capita in the Netherlands in 2018 will be just over 77 kg. This quantity is more than half a kilo above the consumption in 2017. This is the f...

Consumption of fruit and vegetables stagnates

16 September 2019

Since the low VAT rate was raised at the beginning of this year, the consumption of fruit and vegetables has stagnated. Supermarkets sold 2% less fresh fruit and only 1% more fresh vegetables. Approximately 18% of consum...

Can transparency encourage healthy choices?

16 September 2019

The University of Groningen and Wageningen University & Research have started a research project with almost all supermarkets in the Netherlands. The research 'Transparent Health & Sustainability' focuses on inte...

Start of experimental garden for recycled agriculture

13 September 2019

InsectoCycle starts with the experimental garden FeedBackFarm. They do this in cooperation with cheese and dairy farm Kuiper. The construction of the experimental garden has started and will be opened on 28 February. The...

Time and distance

10 September 2019

To me, holidays are taking time to sit down and reflect. At such a moment when I am not considering past or future, at least not further than our meal tonight, my son asks me: ‘Why do the beans we eat come all the way fr...

Improvement of the structure of plant-based proteins

10 September 2019

An increased awareness of sustainability, concern over the climate and personal health are drivers for the replacement of animal proteins with plant-based proteins, and the development of new products. Challenging, since...

Shelf space for the food of the future at LIDL

10 September 2019

Burgers of tomato surpluses, bitterbals of circularly grown oyster mushrooms and muesli of saved peanuts. These and other sustainable products, coming from start-ups, were on the shelves of Lidl last summer. A next step ...

Diviande introduces FiftyFifty, best of both worlds

02 September 2019

Under the brand name FiftyFifty, Diviande / Jan Zandbergen offers an innovative range of products, made up of 50% meat and 50% vegetables. FiftyFifty is a wonderful option for consumers seeking to strike the right balanc...

Ministry leaves choice of vegetable or animal food to citizen

01 September 2019

The government aims for a good and healthy balance in the ratio of animal and vegetable proteins in the diet of the consumer, without restricting the freedom of choice of the citizen. That is what Minister Schouten of Ag...

Reaction Nevedi: Facts about soy in animal feed

30 August 2019

The media are currently discussing the use of soya in animal feed. This was prompted by the recent fires in the Amazon. Not all discussions are factual. There appears to be little knowledge about soy imports into the Net...

Lack of throw-away info obstacle for recycling

29 August 2019

Consumers find it difficult to determine in which waste bin the packaging should be put.  Strikingly often, on almost half of the packaging, there is no information at all about which waste bin it should be thrown i...

Chicken protein without chicken!

27 August 2019

A vegetable-based chicken protein based on a fungus can make the use of eggs in the food industry unnecessary. Within a few years FunGeneX, a subsidiary of BioscienZ, wants to launch the product on the market.  C...