Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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‘Food to Be’ Expo

14 June 2016

From 3D-printed hospital meals to robotic milking systems and from floating farms to test-tube meat, the Netherlands is bursting with innovative entrepreneurs. Here are a selection of the innovations that were on display...


10 May 2016

Group of Butchers is an innovative manufacturer of meat products with facilities in the Netherlands and Belgium. Over the past few years the company has repeatedly won the ‘Indistrubutie Trofee’ award recognising the ret...

Digitising the chain

10 May 2016

The new Field Lab called ‘The Smart Connected Supplier Network’ opened recently at the Hannover Messe. The Field Lab is focused on collaboration and sharing information across company borders in the high-tech supply chai...

BIG DATA in practice

10 May 2016

Left Loyalty together with its media partners Wallbrink Crossmedia and b2b Communications is unlocking the secrets of big data in food. Virtually every company uses LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Analytics, their own newslett...

Hoge automatiseringsgraad

12 April 2016

Marel lanceert tijdens IFFA (hal 8.0, stand J96/K90) een groot aantal innovatieve oplossingen voor de primaire en secundaire verwerking van vlees. De systemen voor de verdere verwerking hebben een hoge automatiseringsgra...

QiSOFT: new Technical Analysis module

12 April 2016

QiSOFT has updated the Technical Analysis module, adding new functions and a modern user interface. The Technical Analysis (TA) module makes it easy for QIS users to conduct statistical analysis based on the data gath...


12 April 2016

Big Data, the Internet of Things, Smart Industry: the digital transformation offers countless opportunities for the food sector – but only if you can get the bits and bytes to ‘talk’ to you. Otherwise the ‘great unknown’...

A journey through the history of packaging

08 March 2016

The concept of food packaging is ‘as old as the hills’. Evidence from ancient times shows that, even then, people had devised ways of making it easier to transport food and keep it fresh for longer. Empack, the Netherl...

Südpack expands

08 March 2016

Individual, fast and cost-effective: Südpack Packaging GmbH & Co. KG has recently added a digital print process to the possibilities it offers in the area of rotogravure and flexographic printing, thus completing its...

‘I like short lines of communication and direct customer contact’

08 March 2016

Rabobank Foodzone is an online platform for experts, business people and stakeholders from the food supply chain. Hans van Haaren, Sector Manager Food at Rabobank, is in charge of the platform. He publishes news, updates...

What can we expect?

09 February 2016

What lies ahead for the food industry in the coming years? Which social developments will have a strong impact on the food sector? What will drive innovation? We have prepared this overview of three important topics for ...

Putting Big Data in the Right Context

09 February 2016

What can you do with ‘big data’? It’s a hot topic, but the discussion mainly revolves around management applications. One thing that receives much less attention is the availability of process improvement software: analy...

ISS launches HSE app

09 February 2016

Employees are the most valuable capital for service organisations so the health and safety of facilities personnel should be a top priority, according to Mark Steinbusch from ISS. Good performance demands healthy people,...

Personalised nutrition and health

09 February 2016

Imagine: upon entering the company canteen with your Google colleagues, your smartphone automatically guides you to the counter serving the products that are the healthiest for you personally that day. During a conferenc...

Wie gaan er met onze data vandoor?

24 November 2015

Als je Rabo foodblogger Hans van Haaren mag geloven, gaat binnenkort iemand met al onze data ervandoor. “Google is continu bezig met de verdere uitbouw van een gigantisch bestand op persoonsbasis. Over 10 jaar zijn er 10...