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Vision report | Digital and sustainable transformation

How advanced are Food & Beverage companies in their digital transformation concerning sustainability? In this report, we discuss the progress and challenges of this transformation with 8 professionals. The Food &a..

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The grass is always greener next door...

12 October 2020

In my case, the above applies quite literally. Our lawn is a battlefield of various grasses, moss, dead spots and dandelions. The neighbours, on the other hand, can show off a tight, shortened, fresh green patch. Through...

Digitisation: Remove the kink(s) from the cable

12 October 2020

In the food industry we are often sidelined by stubborn equipment, faltering logistics or insufficient digital technology. There has to be a better way. Johan van Holland form Innius, Paul Bakker from Fanuc Benlux and Gu...

More efficiency for Bakery Fuite

12 October 2020

Automation makes processes on the factory floor more efficient. Through more insight into goods flows and stock, for example, as Bakery Fuite from Apeldoorn now experiences. The chance of mistakes is reduced and the bake...

Automation as a medicine

12 October 2020

Lunchtafel has changed its business process. At the beginning of this year the company still delivered fresh lunch products to companies, now it has also opened the way to consumers. With new food concepts. In consultati...

Never become an expert

12 October 2020

The greatest poison in forward-thinking is experience. If you had been able to ask a coachman from the year 1900 about his dreams, he would have answered something like: "Give me a pair of horses that run four times a...

Optimisation through digitisation

07 October 2020

Steenwijk-based Kornelis Caps and Closures (KCC) is energetically working on their ambitious plan to turn their factory into a Smart factory. Hellebrekers Industrial Automation supports KCC in this by implementing the ME...

Volop interactie tijdens Empack Reconnect

28 September 2020

De eerste online verpakkingsbeurs van de Benelux vond plaats op donderdag 17 september. De verpakkingscommunity had eindelijk de mogelijkheid om elkaar online te ontmoeten, te netwerken en zaken te doen. Circa 200 exposa...

Digital transformation with food-specific software

14 September 2020

Since November 2019, Schouw Informatisering has been part of the global Aptean network in food and IT. Schouw is now able to bundle an enormous amount of knowledge and experience and remove technical limitations, say Jor...

Communicate wireless and coronaproof with headsets

28 May 2020

Since the coronavirus outbreak, production companies have an increasing need for wireless communication systems. Now that we are working with 1.5 meters distance, it is even more challenging to work together efficiently ...

The future of food processing

06 April 2020

The food processing industry is becoming increasingly 'smarter': thanks to automation processes and new techniques. What does this mean for the work floor? What is the industry up against, what solutions are being offere...

Blockchain the new hydrochloric acid?

11 November 2019

"This is going to be very big and when the time comes it will solve everything.........." according to proponents during a congress. Is blockchain really going to change processes? Our buying and selling method? For exam...


07 October 2019

My son is gaming. The door of his room is open and I hear him laughing and talking to a friend. They discuss game tactics via Discord and occasionally talk about something personal. The friend is miles away, in his own r...

"Use qualities of tradition for transformation"

07 October 2019

By turning cooking and agriculture into a new nature, man has established a dominant position in the food chain, says scientist and philosopher Koert van Mensvoort. The food industry is also on its way to becoming a Next...

Robotisation, digitisation and automation in the food industry

07 October 2019

The food industry is facing a number of challenges: reducing CO2 emissions, a shortage of raw materials and resources, rapidly changing consumer trends and a lack of (skilled) personnel, to name a few. What is the role o...

Follow the packaging, know every detail

07 October 2019

At Kolkman Verpakkingen Hedel you always know where a package is located, what it is made of and where it is delivered. This is an automated process that enables the company to meet the quality and sustainability require...