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Vision report | Digital and sustainable transformation

How advanced are Food & Beverage companies in their digital transformation concerning sustainability? In this report, we discuss the progress and challenges of this transformation with 8 professionals. The Food &a..

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Data, insight, and return

13 November 2018

A state of the art slaughterhouse was established in IJsselstein in 2015. With this sophisticated company, Westfort Meat Products builds on a long history in pork meat. With a vision of the future aimed at growth, return...

Estrategy works on transparency

13 November 2018

The consumer's need to know more about the source and authenticity of the products he eats and drinks leads to a demand for an enormous amount of data: from the manufacturer to his supplier as well as to the retail/consu...

NDI launches Sustainability Codex

24 October 2018

De Sustainability Codex is gebaseerd op Blockchain-technologie om de veiligheid van het platform te waarborgen, de transparantie te verzekeren en het is een open database die gratis beschikbaar is voor elke organisatie, ...

Food and online sales are growing rapidly

17 October 2018

According to Statistics Netherlands, retail turnover in August 2018 was 3.4 percent higher than in August 2017. The sales volume grew by 3.2 percent. Both the food sector and the non-food sector achieved higher turnover....

Personalised learning environment food industry

09 October 2018

Qlean-tec | Christeyns launches an e-learning platform in the Netherlands which was specially developed for food processing companies. A platform that offers more than just learning. Which unburdens your organisation wit...

GS1 DatakwaliTijd 2.0: hard consequences

18 September 2018

After frequent encouragement, the curtain has fallen on GS1 Data Source for some fifty suppliers in the food and drugstore sector. They are the first companies to be excluded from the database because they do not meet th...

Strategische alliantie Carrefour en Google

09 July 2018

Carrefour en Google hebben een strategisch alliantie ondertekent die stoelt op 3 pijlers: de beschikbaarheid van het Carrefour gamma op de nieuwe Google Shopping site en de Google Assistant in Frankrijk, de oprichting va...

Tracing based on the blockchain

08 May 2018

Bureau Veritas is launching Origin, a tracing label for the entire course taken by a foodstuff, from farm to table. This solution was presented in Tokyo on 5 March 2018 to an international audience during the Global Food...

Eerste grondstoffen transactie via de blockchain

09 January 2018

ABN AMRO, Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC), Shandong Bohi Industry Co. Ltd (Bohi), ING en Société Générale hebben met succes de eerste volledige grondstoffentransactie via een blockchain-platform afgerond. Door het blockchain...

Blockchain: The Trigger for Disruption in the Food Value Chain

11 December 2017

Companies that want to remain successful in the future food value chain should start to explore options for participating in blockchain initiatives to help them lower costs, increase efficiencies, and explore opportuniti...

Smart Industry offers countless opportunities

14 November 2017

What every manufacturer ultimately wants is to make customised products with better quality and at lower costs. Recent figures reveal that the food industry is investing heavily in the enabling technologies such as big d...

Blockchain in the food sector

14 November 2017

The term ‘blockchain’ is creating a buzz in the food industry. Some people are enthusiastically claiming that it has the potential to radically change the sector, leading to substantial investment in the technology by ma...

Hebben wij jou gezien of gemist op de Anuga Food Fair?

10 October 2017

Wij zijn inmiddels weer bekomen van de grootste foodbeurs van Europa, oftewel Anuga Food Fair. We hebben met veel mensen kennis gemaakt en informatie uitgewisseld. Misschien zat jij daar ook wel bij en heb je onze eerste...

‘All stakeholders are in control, 24/7'

10 October 2017

As a food processing company, Kleendesk gives you an at-a-glance insight into your hygiene performance at any point in time. The online platform provides a real-time overview of technical problems, microbiological statis...

10 tips voor een digitaal veiliger bedrijf

11 September 2017

De digitalisering loopt op rolletjes, elk bedrijf is tegenwoordig afhankelijk van ICT. Je hebt een website, e-mailt constant en betalingen gaan alleen nog maar online. Misbruik van online diensten en digitale netwerken i...