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B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Raw materials & Ingredients 2016

Everyone knows that eating less salt, less saturated fat and less sugar is better for their health. If consumers were to opt in their masses for low-salt alternatives of processed food products it could result in 5% fewer heart attacks and 7% fewer strokes. So why is this still not happening on a large scale? We asked the industry. ...

Packaging 2016

Global market research firm Mintel has identified six packaging trends for 2016: digital printing, t...

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Innovation 2016

What lies ahead for the food industry in the coming years? Which social developments will have a str...

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Cleaning & Hygiene

Hygiene codes, HACCP, disinfection…when it comes to cleaning and hygiene, there’s nothing new to rep...

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Automation in food 2015

The pace of change in the food industry is fast. Trends follow one another in quick succession and t...

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To claim or not to claim 2015

‘Manufacturers are making a mockery of labelling rules’ was the headline of a recent press release b...

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Chilling & Freezing 2015

Refrigeration is an essential aspect of quality management in the entire food chain, and the system ...

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Weighing & Packaging 2015

Small packaging machines and small packaging volumes are the key trends of today. Extending the shel...

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Shelf management 2015

Although most suppliers are convinced of the importance of a good relationship with retailers, the p...

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