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New proteins, meat, fish and dairy substitutes 2023

'The hype of meat substitutes seems to be over,' Rabobank reported in a report published in June 2023. 'Get ready for boredom' the bank warned further on in the report. Is that true? What does the market itself think about it? Is it getting boring in the plant-based business? Or is there room for innovation, surprise and improvement? ...

Construction and renovation | Cooling and freezing

Put three owners of family-owned food companies and a director of an engineering firm at one table a...

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Voedselveiligheid 2023

Wereldwijd groeit de markt voor plantaardige zuivel- en vleesvervangers. Over de specifieke microbio...

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Product innovation 2023

Almost all major challenges of our time are linked to our food system; the nitrogen debate, the clim...

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Special Foodvalley 2023

A typical journey with Foodvalley starts with preparatory work so that innovations can land. We iden...

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Packaging 2023

The European Commission is 'through with it': the EU's packaging waste policy has failed. That is wh...

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Sustainable production lines 2023

The food sector is under a magnifying glass when it comes to sustainability. Not surprisingly, as th...

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Hygiëne, reiniging & desinfectie 2022

Before use, a machine in the food industry must obviously be clean. Cleaning is therefore part of th...

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Smart Food Manufacturing 2022

Where do the raw materials come from? How much energy does that machine consume? Could production be...

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