Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Sustainable packaging: Challenges and opportunities

Packaging needs to be more sustainable. Everyone agrees on that. But how? Companies must align their processes and products with evolving regulations, including the new Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). ..

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Intelligent robots on the work floor

11 October 2016

Big data, smart industry, IoT, cloud robotics, virtual and augmented reality – none of this is science fiction any more. Aiming to keep it all as simple as possible, this article ‘merely’ explores the trends and developm...

World Food Center

13 September 2016

Het World Food Center (WFC) in Ede wordt een plek waar mensen, bedrijven en het onderwijs de voedselwaardeketen kunnen ‘beleven’ door te horen, zien, voelen, proeven en ruiken, een plek ook waar het bedrijfsleven en kenn...

Natuurlijke producten

13 September 2016

Smoky Light, exclusief dealer van Red Arrow Products, richt zich steeds meer op natuurlijke producten. De Natuurlijk Gerookte Ingrediënten zijn gerookt met rook die afkomstig is van verschillende soorten hardhout of mesq...

Duurzame oplossing voor koelwater

13 September 2016

In de industrie worden er per jaar miljoenen kubieke liters koelwater verbruikt om processen te koelen. In de voedingsmiddelenindustrie wordt water verdampt in koeltorens of verdampingscondensors. Het verdampen van koelw...


13 September 2016

Many companies still keep their HACCP records on paper. However, paperwork takes up a lot of time, does not provide an overview of the current situation and makes it harder to analyse the information. As a result, it ...

Benefits from innovation in cleaning

13 September 2016

A growing number of businesses want to contribute to a sustainable environment. However, quality must be safeguarded. Take the fully automatic cleaning of a conveyor belt or finished product for instance. The Undine® ...

Source of protein with potential

13 September 2016

A few people have tried it, most people have heard about it, everyone has an opinion on it and the majority of Dutch consumers shudder at the thought. Why should you eat insects? Because they are a sustainable source of ...

Insects for human consumption

13 September 2016

Back in 2011, in the Dutch province of Flevoland, the first steps were taken towards the exploitation of a new sector. The city of Lelystad is home to an insect farm where insects have been reared for human consumption s...

the Nocospray concept

13 September 2016

Nocospray is a disinfection concept in which an aqueous solution (Nocolyse-Food) disinfects a room – including all the equipment and other items in it – via a dry vapour. The concept received approval for use in the food...

Insectlab: a breeding ground of knowledge

13 September 2016

“If we want to meet the future need for animal protein, we will need to further develop the rearing and processing of insects,” states FAO. That requires more knowledge.  “The whole chain will need to take major ...

Avoid recalls: dot the i’s and cross the t’s

13 September 2016

Safeguarding food safety remains high on social and political agendas. The maximum penalties that can be imposed on fraudulent food companies have been raised considerably and the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Sa...

Breakthroughs needed in food production system

13 September 2016

Rob Hamer’s work revolves around innovation in food. He heads up the Unilever research lab in Vlaardingen and spends one day a week working as a professor in the Food Chemistry Group at Wageningen UR. We discussed with h...

Between cold storage areas

14 June 2016

Fast and safe internal logistics is of great importance in the chilled and frozen food sector because it increases productivity considerably. Optimal climate separation in the open doorway is the best solution. Clear ...

‘Food to Be’ Expo

14 June 2016

From 3D-printed hospital meals to robotic milking systems and from floating farms to test-tube meat, the Netherlands is bursting with innovative entrepreneurs. Here are a selection of the innovations that were on display...

Launch of Handtmann VF800

14 June 2016

One of the highlights of the recent IFFA was the launch of the new and innovative Handtmann VF800 series of vacuum fillers. Thanks to the state-of-the art technology, the hygienic design, the highly precise portioning an...