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Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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‘Steam is an essential part of the production process'

24 November 2015

At Dutch meat producer Koetsier Vleeswaren, everything revolves around authenticity, craftsmanship and sustainability, despite – or perhaps because of – the state-of-the-art manufacturing resources, such as the use of a ...

Smilde Foods & Hago Food & Industry

24 November 2015

For many years, quality, flexibility and safety have been Hago Food & Industry’s recipe for success in providing effective cleaning services to Smilde Foods, and the contract was extended recently. Previous perfor...

Better hygiene management with chlorine dioxide

24 November 2015

Bacteria count in the water: less than a hundred. Mould count: zero. The water: Legionella-free. Those are the results achieved by a producer of ready-to-eat-products by using chlorine dioxide, supported by cleaning spec...

Disinfection using oxygen radicals

24 November 2015

“Can you disinfect a room at the touch of a button? Yes you can!” say Hugo ter Hoeve and Robert Kostrubiec from the Dutch company called Simpel Desinfecteren. They are launching the Nocospray method for the food industry...

Op bezoek bij Nutricontrol

24 November 2015

Op donderdag 5 november waren we met een groep OSV-ers welkom bij NutriControl in Veghel. Na een presentatie van Wim-Peter van Panhuis zijn we de diverse laboratoria ingedoken. Een bijzondere reis langs pipetjes en reage...

Beyond cleaning and hygiene

24 November 2015

Hygiene codes, HACCP, disinfection…when it comes to cleaning and hygiene, there’s nothing new to report. Or is there? We spoke to six experts about management systems for measuring and analysis, about enzymatic cleaning ...

3D Foodprinting

13 October 2015

Picture the scene: you go into a restaurant, possibly with the CAD files for your self-designed pasta which you give to the chef. A little later your personal pasta is served to you on a plate, accompanied by a delicious...

Smart Industry: Eat or be (b)eaten!

13 October 2015

The unstoppable rise of digitalisation in combination with new advancements will result in dramatic changes to the global economy over the next decade. In the Netherlands too, this development will lead to a new industri...

Trends in automation a view of the future

13 October 2015

The pace of change in the food industry is fast. Trends follow one another in quick succession and the consumer is becoming increasingly demanding. Therefore, food production must be even more hygienic, efficient, cost-e...

Easy-to-clean sampling system

08 September 2015

The demands placed on the hygienic production of high-end food and pharma products are increasing, and so too is the demand for easy-to-clean and contamination-free sampling systems. In response to these demands, Dinniss...

Checks are always necessary

08 September 2015

Many dog and cat owners would rather they themselves get food poisoning than their pet. After all, animals can’t tell you what’s wrong with them. That’s why pet food is subject to thorough checks, from the raw materials ...

Royal De Koning Vlees BV

08 September 2015

De Koning Vlees B.V. produces tasty meat products for supply to the food processing industry, the food service sector and institutional kitchens at home and abroad – and even to the Dutch royal household. Managing direct...

The future of meat

08 September 2015

The ‘International Congress of Meat Science and Technology’ is an annual scientific congress where around 430 delegates from the worlds of science and business exchange knowledge on the current state of the meat industry...

Paperless order picking

30 June 2015

The advantages of paperless order picking with Reflex 3000: significant reduction in the number of order pick errors! Decrease in the number of split deliveries! Simple packaging registration! Productivity an...

Automatic double Clipper

30 June 2015

Clip specialist Clip-XL has introduced the new ‘K4-60’ automatic clipper from Lorenzo Barroso. This fully automatic double clipper can be used for a wide variety of natural and artificial casings of up to approx. 65mm in...