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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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FUMI: Half a million for natural protein substitutes

31 January 2020

All over the world a vegetable alternative to chicken egg protein has been sought for years. FUMI Ingredients, a spin-off of Wageningen University & Research, has found a natural alternative that is cheaper than regu...

Moving Mountains launches No-Pork burger

21 January 2020

Moving Mountains, known from vegetable burgers and hot dogs, is continuously developing various alternative meat products. After recently launching a sausage, the No-Pork Burger is now also available to the market. While...

Half meat and half vegetable in the meat shelf

08 January 2020

New for consumers who want to eat less meat but don't want to compromise on healthy properties and delicious taste, who are looking for the balance between enjoyment, responsible living and sustainability. FiftyFifty is ...

The ten themes of 2020

02 January 2020

Legislation, consumer behaviour and sustainability. Having a good strategy in 2020 is perhaps more important than ever for the entrepreneur. ABN AMRO is already providing insight and background into ten themes that will ...

Future of Food

19 December 2019

Vakblad Voedingsindustrie participates in the Future of Food campaign launched by Mediaplanet on 19 December 2019. Learn more about various trends and developments in the field of food. Subjects such as mechanisation, su...

Unilever opens Foods Innovation Centre on Wageningen campus

10 December 2019

On 6 December his Majesty the King of the Netherlands opened Unilever’s new global Foods Innovation Centre on the campus of Wageningen University, the leading global agri-food research hub. Unilever has invested €85m ...

Top trend for 2020: “winning with words”

06 December 2019

Increased consumer interest in the stories behind their food and beverage products and their notable influence on purchasing decisions has resulted in companies increasingly paying attention to storytelling in branding s...

American company acquires interest in Evolution Meats

05 December 2019

The American investment company Unovis Partners has taken an interest in Evolution Meats, a Dutch startup from Roermond that develops vegan meat substitutes and snack products. Evolution Meats (formerly Green Meat Produc...

The Dutch like to eat consciously

04 December 2019

The majority of the Dutch (60%) indicate that they often eat with a great deal of dedication, according to research, among more than 1,000 respondents commissioned by the Voedingscentrum. The Dutch take their time for me...

Animal-friendly: Mainly out of self-interest

04 December 2019

‘What’s in it for me?’ is de vraag die veel consumenten zichzelf stellen bij het kopen van diervriendelijke producten. Als producent is het daarom verstandig om het eigenbelang van de consument te benadrukken bij verkoop...

Vegamonitor: 'Will eating less meat become standard?'

22 November 2019

More and more Dutch people indicate that they will be eating less meat in the next five years, and people more often think that eating less meat will become the standard in the Netherlands, according to the recently publ...

Convenience generations: major impact on the food market

20 November 2019

Compared to the Millennium, Generation Z is even more food-minded, and eating outdoors is even more self-evident for this generation, according to the FSIN FoodShopper Monitor 2020. We will give a small summary of what i...

In Memoriam: Ernst Paarkooper

12 November 2019

Ernst Paardekooper died Wednesday 6 November at the age of 88. Ernst Paardekooper started his career at TNO Nutrition in Zeist after graduating from Delft University of Technology. At the end of his career, he was divisi...

‘Meat for Diversifying Markets’ 2019

11 November 2019

Last summer the 65th edition of the International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST) took place. In Potsdam, Germany, 494 participants gathered to share their knowledge with the other conference visitors on...

More sustainable food sector through DNA testing

21 October 2019

In the Biosintrum in Friesland, the closing night of the very first Rabo Food Forward Track took place on Thursday 17 October. On this evening the two previously nominated cases were presented to the jury. The winning...