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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Beans in bread: a revolutionary idea?

31 January 2023

Researchers and chefs at the University of Reading aim to encourage British consumers and food producers to switch to bread containing faba beans (commonly known as broad beans), making it healthier and less damaging to ...

Alternative proteins a key to rapid decarbonisation

30 January 2023

Alternative proteins are one of three ‘super-leverage points’ that could help the world to rapidly decarbonise, a report presented at the end of January 2023 at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland states. T...

No cricket flour in your food for now

30 January 2023

The European Union has authorised the use of some insects in food. In doing so, if a product contains insects, it must be clearly stated on the label. But the chances of you coming across products containing insects righ...

Renewi converts food waste into volatile fatty acids

30 January 2023

Renewi Organics focuses on processing organic waste streams including expired products. Together with IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Renewi Organics published a scientific article on the production of volatile ...

First area pilot on plant proteins launched

27 January 2023

The North Brabant municipality of Altena is the scene of the first Dutch area pilot on plant-based proteins. Interventions are being tested at supermarkets, schools and restaurants to encourage local people to make the p...

Cultivated meat to be grown on farms across Europe?

27 January 2023

RESPECTfarms kicks off a feasibility research to enable farmers to grow meat directly from animal cells, on their existing farms. With investment from both European governments, NGOs, and industry partners, they will hav...

Consumers spend 36% more on organic products in 2022

23 January 2023

Consumers spent 36% more on organic products in 2022, according to a new GfK analysis on 2022, presented at the Biobeurs. Total organic sales amounted to €1.4 billion. Sales of organic fresh produce grew 41% in 2022. ...

Beans & Fermentation: a winning combination?

17 January 2023

The 'Further with protein-rich crops from nearby' project delves into the potential of fermentation, for processing protein-rich crops from the Netherlands. A regional project to process and market locally grown beans vi...

Safe preservation of meat and meat substitutes without nitrite

17 January 2023

The technologists of TOP bv from Wageningen have licensed a patent on a process that prevents the growth of the ‘botulism bacteria’ Clostridium botulinum in meat, meat substitute and hybride products without having to us...

Alternative proteins constitute a quarter of all food by 2040

16 January 2023

At least a quarter of all food could be produced from alternative proteins by 2040. This was one of the findings of a survey commissioned by machinery and plant manufacturer GEA of 1,000 chefs in eleven countries. These ...

Schouten Europe introduces vegetable fish fillets

16 January 2023

Substitutes for fish are booming. The number of introductions in supermarkets in Western Europe has grown exponentially in the last two years. This is why Schouten Europe is introducing a vegetable fish fillet in January...

Foodservice market 2022: €5.8 billion growth

10 January 2023

FoodService Instituut Nederland (FSIN) reported at the annual FSIN Brunch conference during the Horecava that the turnover of food service companies had increased by more than 40%, to a turnover of €19.1 billion. Despite...

Lower production expected in food industry

10 January 2023

More than 16% of entrepreneurs in the food industry reported at the beginning of December that they expected a drop in production in the next three months (December 2022 to February 2023), the highest number since July 2...

EU approves new plant-based protein

06 January 2023

The European Commission has granted Novel Food status to two of MycoTechnology’s innovative and highly functional natural plant protein ingredients. FermentIQ™ ingredients are produced using a patented mycelial fermentat...

Vleeskalverhouderij in 2023: uitdagingen en kansen

05 January 2023

Uitdagingen voor de kalverhouderij komen in versneld tempo op de sector af. Denk aan maatregelen om stikstof te verminderen en het dierenwelzijn te verhogen. De relatie tussen kalverhouder en melkveehouder wordt hierdoor...