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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Column Judith Witte: What is tasty?

11 April 2023

Lunchtime on the weekend. My daughter wants frikadellen: with curry sauce, mayonnaise and onions. That combo of salty and sweet, the creaminess of the sauce, and fresh crunch of the onions: it's irresistible to her. She ...

Peter Klosse: 'It will have to be pretty delicious!'

11 April 2023

Fact: coffee tastes different from a sandwich or an apple. "Tastes differ, but taste by itself is what it is. It exists, even if you haven't tasted it yet." Scientifically speaking, the phenomenon of 'taste' is still in ...

Column Pieter Vos: A real foothold for innovation

11 April 2023

The BBB made a huge gain in the provincial elections. Numerous analyses followed in the media: what caused this monster victory? Whether you agree with them or not; I think above all they listened very carefully to the p...

Renewable proteins and energy from seaweed

11 April 2023

We know seaweed mainly from sushi, and perhaps from chips. But it can also be made into paper, fabric, leather and bioplastic. "In a country like Korea, 30% of what they eat is based on seaweed. We are not ready for that...

Roy Meenderink: The key for innovation

11 April 2023

"Are you that old already?" a customer asked me when I recently told them that I have been in the food industry for 38 years. But no, I simply started early. In all that time, I have seen a lot of product innovations pas...

Schouten Europe introduces plant-based egg protein

04 April 2023

Schouten Europe announced on 4 April 2023 the launch of its latest innovation: a plant-based egg protein that looks and tastes like animal-based chicken egg protein. The plant-based egg protein offers the same nutritiona...

Dairy alternatives more expensive due to lemonade tax

03 April 2023

As of 1 January 2024, the consumption tax on non-alcoholic beverages will increase by €17.30 to €26.13 per 100 litres. Besides generating more tax revenue, with this rise the government wants to encourage healthy choices...

Marjolein Brasz - CEO Foodvalley

01 April 2023

By 2050, we want healthy, affordable, and delicious food. Sustainably produced. Of course, we won't reach that destination overnight. The current system is a result of decades, centuries of built up, the change will also...

Foodvalley up to the plate

01 April 2023

The aim is to get healthy, sustainable and efficiently produced food on our plates. Our experts identify promising opportunities at an early stage, with their sights set on 2050, but with application possibilities for to...

Foodvalley connects insect supply chain

01 April 2023

Insects can play an important role in the circular food system. To allow insects or insect-based foods to end up on the plate of the consumer more often, Foodvalley is setting the chain in motion with, for example, a wor...

Foodvalley Shared Facility Finder

01 April 2023

One of the important tools that Foodvalley NL uses is the Shared Facility Finder (SFF) on Foodleap. This platform allows organisations to find and share pilot and research facilities and equipment. These include kitchen ...

Foodvalley - international partnerships

01 April 2023

People around the world are working on themes similar to those of Foodvalley. It is crucial to identify what is relevant and initiate the right collaborations to accelerate and export concepts where appropriate. Paola...

Foodvalley - Join the journey

01 April 2023

Our mission: In 2050 the food system needs to offer food security to 10 billion people worldwide. Tasty, affordable, healthy and sustainable food, produced with respect for animals and our planet.  It is a major ...

Rabobank: Still plenty of challenges in food industry

30 March 2023

The food chain is struggling with increasing sustainability requirements, falling global market prices, rising costs, austerity-minded consumers and difficult price negotiations. Rabobank dwells on key economic developme...

Vow unveils world's first mammoth meatball

29 March 2023

The world's first meatball made from mammoth DNA has been unveiled at the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam. It is a scientific experiment by Australian cultured meat company Vow.  A team of international experts ...