Vleesconsumptie Europa daalt met 4,5 kilo per persoon
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Meat consumption in Europe decreases by 4.5 kilograms per person

  • 07 May 2024

Over the past four years, meat consumption in Europe has significantly decreased. Recent research by Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft, published by the German trade magazine TopAgrar, indicates a decrease of 4.5 kilograms per person.

Variation in consumption by country

The study shows that there are significant differences between European countries. Ireland, Portugal, and Spain lead the way, consuming more than 80 kilograms of meat per person in 2023. They are followed by Denmark, Lithuania, and France, where consumption exceeds 70 kilograms per person. With an annual meat consumption of 61 kilograms, the Netherlands falls within the European average. Germany, on the other hand, consumes the least meat, with just 52 kilograms per inhabitant.

Factors behind the decline

Since a peak in 2019, meat consumption has decreased annually. In 2023 alone, there was a reduction of 1.6 percent compared to the previous year. Experts point to changing eating habits and an increasing awareness of health and environmental issues. The growing availability of plant-based alternatives also plays a role in this trend. These factors contribute to the steady decline in meat consumption across Europe.


Source: Nieuwe Oogst