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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Circu-Sleeve: Award-Winning Innovation OPACKGROUP

31 October 2023

In a world where sustainability is increasingly becoming the norm, innovative ideas like OPACKGROUP's Circu-Sleeve play a pivotal role. This recent recipient of the Runner Up Award in the Non-Food Sustainability category...

Laurens Hoedemaker: UECBV's New President

31 October 2023

Laurens Hoedemaker, chairman of the Dutch COV and VNV, has been appointed as the new president of the UECBV. This announcement, made during the UECBV's annual Conference and General Assembly in Barcelona, Spain, holds si...

Jumbo's vision for a plant-based future

30 October 2023

Over the past few years, we've seen how the supermarket chain Jumbo has been committed to promoting a plant-based diet. With the introduction of numerous vegetarian and vegan products, the store aims for a whopping 60% o...

Infrared Technology: The Future of Fruit Inspection

30 October 2023

In a world where technology and agriculture are increasingly intertwined, there's a groundbreaking development that's set to change the way we perceive fruit. Researchers from Wageningen University & Research have re...

Pork in Europe: Trends, prices and visions for the future

25 October 2023

While pork production has shown a decline, prices remain surprisingly robust. In the first seven months of 2023, production in the EU27 and the UK dropped by 8.6%. At the same time, prices for slaughter pigs and piglets ...

Kidney Foundation: ‘Food industry sabotages healthy choices’

24 October 2023

Our pursuit of health is evident. Yet, why do we find it continually challenging to consistently make healthy food choices? According to recent data, 50% of the Dutch population is overweight or obese, escalating the ris...

The resilience of the Dutch food sector: Reflecting on 2022

24 October 2023

As global crises challenged economies everywhere, the Dutch food industry proved its resilience, stability, and essential economic role in 2022. The 'Food Industry Monitor 2023', compiled for FNLI, scrutinizes these achi...

First Dutch circular meat substitute in the making

24 October 2023

Consumers are on the hunt for healthy and sustainable products, which is why they're increasingly opting for plant-based choices over meat. That's precisely where four Dutch companies aim to make a splash. PeelPioneers, ...

Consumer votes against 'lemonade tax' on plant-based milk

20 October 2023

As the world transitions towards more sustainable and healthier consumption, the government has recently decided to implement the so-called "lemonade tax" on plant-based milk. Yet, astonishingly, sugary milk products suc...

World Meat Congress: 'We produce food to feed people'

19 October 2023

11-13 October 2023, the biennial World Meat Congress was held in Maastricht. Over 300 stakeholders from all parts of the world gathered at the MECC for the two-day conference. Politicians and representatives from the ind...

Winning recipes for a future-focused food business

19 October 2023

The way we produce and consume food has undergone significant changes over the past two decades. But what does this mean for your food business? Which trends, issues, and challenges need attention to ensure the long-term...

Denmark's blueprint for a sustainable palate

16 October 2023

Plant-based foods represent a sustainable vision for our future, with the potential to significantly reduce our climate footprint. In line with the Official Dietary Guidelines, the Danish government is championing the en...

Column Judith Witte: Me versus AI

16 October 2023

Feeling the pressure. A looming deadline is hovering over me, I want to join a company visit, there's a long list of tasks awaiting me at home, I promised friends I'd drop by, and there's a training session I need to pre...

Bas Haring: "Artificial Intelligence isn't scary!"

16 October 2023

Bas Haring studied artificial intelligence. Since this field was categorized under the philosophy department back in 1988, people started calling him a ‘pilosopher’. However, he prefers to describe himself as a ‘professo...

Innovation in food Industry: time to reap the digital benefits

16 October 2023

Internationally, the Netherlands is considered to be an excellent hub for technological innovations. According to the Digital Transformation Scoreboard, one in three Dutch businesses is highly digitalized. In the field o...