Protein transition
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Red Band maker Cloetta waves gelatin goodbye

Cloetta, known for brands like Red Band, Venco, and Sportlife, is taking steps toward vegan products to reduce its carbon footprint. This shift aligns with the growing demand for plant-based options and the company's sus..

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Foodvalley - Join the journey

01 April 2023

Our mission: In 2050 the food system needs to offer food security to 10 billion people worldwide. Tasty, affordable, healthy and sustainable food, produced with respect for animals and our planet.  It is a major ...

Rabobank: Still plenty of challenges in food industry

30 March 2023

The food chain is struggling with increasing sustainability requirements, falling global market prices, rising costs, austerity-minded consumers and difficult price negotiations. Rabobank dwells on key economic developme...

Vow unveils world's first mammoth meatball

29 March 2023

The world's first meatball made from mammoth DNA has been unveiled at the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam. It is a scientific experiment by Australian cultured meat company Vow.  A team of international experts ...

No large-scale food production in the sea for now

27 March 2023

There are high expectations for the production of food at sea, but the opportunities are limited, even with the latest technological options such as ecological engineering, argues theoretical biologist Jaap van der Meer ...

TurtleTree launches first-ever animal-free lactoferrin

23 March 2023

TurtleTree, a global leader in animal-free functional dairy proteins, will today debut the world's first precision fermentation-produced lactoferrin —LF+—a high-value bioactive milk protein and one of the most powerful p...

'Meat successors are under a magnifying glass'

21 March 2023

Sales figures seem to be stagnating and the debate about low nutritional values is boiling over. Nevertheless, the Jan Zandbergen Group, one of the largest meat suppliers in Europe, is fully committed to meat substitutes...

New book with visions on our future proteins

07 March 2023

On 7 March 2023, the book Our Future Proteins was launched. In this book, 100+ experts present their views on the transition to sustainable protein production and consumption. Their visions cover a wide range of transiti...

Are algae the food of the future?

07 March 2023

The European Commission wants to stimulate the cultivation of algae. These microscopic creatures are filled with fats and proteins and are therefore a useful addition to our diet. Are algae the food of the future? Mar...

Packaging: sustainable versus political gain

06 March 2023

The European Commission is 'through with it': the EU's packaging waste policy has failed. That is why the EU is intervening with new legislation. Which is SO detailed that it is going to have a lot of impact on the food ...

Will seaweed soon be an everyday product?

02 March 2023

Seaweed is not yet an everyday product for many people, but people are positively surprised when they find out, for instance, that seaweed can replace plastic packaging material or that it improves the quality and taste ...

NIZO studies microbial risks plant-based

02 March 2023

Consumers are embracing the trend to include more plant-based foods in their diet, leading to a strong increase in the development of plant protein-based foods. New plant ingredients, however, often contain unknown types...

Plant protein from the Netherlands: wanted and unknown

01 March 2023

Interest in foods containing protein produced in the Netherlands has risen sharply over the past five years. However, the recognition and value of plant proteins such as legumes and nuts is low, unlike meat and dairy. Su...

Two-thirds of vegetarian burgers are unhealthy

27 February 2023

The composition of almost two-thirds of vegetarian burgers is not very healthy. This is according to research by the Dutch Consumers' Association. According to the organisation, the nutritional value is easy to improve. ...

ABN: Stagnation in meat substitutes can be reversed

27 February 2023

Throughout 2022, sales of meat substitutes in Dutch supermarkets fell by 5 per cent. A major cause of the sales decline is that consumers bought their food less often in supermarkets and went back to restaurants more oft...

Monkeys by the Sea wins Agrifoodpluim

27 February 2023

The young start-up 'Monkeys by the Sea' from Roosendaal makes fish substitutes with healthy ingredients from the neighbourhood. In doing so, it contributes to Brabant's protein transition goals, the transition to more pl...