Protein transition
Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Red Band maker Cloetta waves gelatin goodbye

Cloetta, known for brands like Red Band, Venco, and Sportlife, is taking steps toward vegan products to reduce its carbon footprint. This shift aligns with the growing demand for plant-based options and the company's sus..

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Meat sales in supermarkets fall 7 per cent

02 May 2023

Supermarkets sold seven per cent less meat in 2022 than the previous year, according to an analysis by Wakker Dier based on checkout data. Sales of fresh meat fell by nine per cent and those of processed meats by four pe...

5 partners work on affordable meat substitutes

25 April 2023

The REACT-EU development project 'GALATEA', focuses on investing in the development of innovative, affordable and juicy meat substitutes. The aim is to have an innovative prototype production line complete and operationa...

EFSA approves water lentil protein concentrate

21 April 2023

Rubisco Foods has received official confirmation from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) that its protein concentrate, extracted from water lentils, is food-safe. The company had applied for Novel Food status in 2...

Innovating for food transition: 'We could step it up a notch'

18 April 2023

Almost all major challenges of our time are linked to our food system; the nitrogen debate, the climate crisis, the biodiversity problem, our health, the energy transition. Things have to change, everyone agrees. That ca...

Jan Zandbergen Group opens new innovation centre

11 April 2023

30 March 2023 Jan Zandbergen Group celebrated the opening of their Food Innovation Centre in exclusive company during the event: 'The Taste of Innovation'. Invited guests could listen to lectures by Rabobank and Wagening...

Online edition April 2023: Product innovation

11 April 2023

Almost all major challenges of our time are linked to our food system; the nitrogen debate, the climate crisis, the biodiversity problem, our health, the energy transition. Things have to change, everyo...

Column Judith Witte: What is tasty?

11 April 2023

Lunchtime on the weekend. My daughter wants frikadellen: with curry sauce, mayonnaise and onions. That combo of salty and sweet, the creaminess of the sauce, and fresh crunch of the onions: it's irresistible to her. She ...

Peter Klosse: 'It will have to be pretty delicious!'

11 April 2023

Fact: coffee tastes different from a sandwich or an apple. "Tastes differ, but taste by itself is what it is. It exists, even if you haven't tasted it yet." Scientifically speaking, the phenomenon of 'taste' is still in ...

Schouten Europe introduces plant-based egg protein

04 April 2023

Schouten Europe announced on 4 April 2023 the launch of its latest innovation: a plant-based egg protein that looks and tastes like animal-based chicken egg protein. The plant-based egg protein offers the same nutritiona...

Dairy alternatives more expensive due to lemonade tax

03 April 2023

As of 1 January 2024, the consumption tax on non-alcoholic beverages will increase by €17.30 to €26.13 per 100 litres. Besides generating more tax revenue, with this rise the government wants to encourage healthy choices...

Marjolein Brasz - CEO Foodvalley

01 April 2023

By 2050, we want healthy, affordable, and delicious food. Sustainably produced. Of course, we won't reach that destination overnight. The current system is a result of decades, centuries of built up, the change will also...

Foodvalley up to the plate

01 April 2023

The aim is to get healthy, sustainable and efficiently produced food on our plates. Our experts identify promising opportunities at an early stage, with their sights set on 2050, but with application possibilities for to...

Foodvalley connects insect supply chain

01 April 2023

Insects can play an important role in the circular food system. To allow insects or insect-based foods to end up on the plate of the consumer more often, Foodvalley is setting the chain in motion with, for example, a wor...

Foodvalley Shared Facility Finder

01 April 2023

One of the important tools that Foodvalley NL uses is the Shared Facility Finder (SFF) on Foodleap. This platform allows organisations to find and share pilot and research facilities and equipment. These include kitchen ...

Foodvalley - international partnerships

01 April 2023

People around the world are working on themes similar to those of Foodvalley. It is crucial to identify what is relevant and initiate the right collaborations to accelerate and export concepts where appropriate. Paola...