Kansen voor brood in opkomende eiwittrends
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Opportunities for Bread in Emerging Protein Trends

  • 15 January 2024

Food development trends, arising from consumer needs, economic shifts, and societal changes, present both opportunities and challenges for the bakery sector. Whole grain bread, with its diverse health benefits, plays a crucial role, with the Dutch Bakery Center (NBC) specifically recognizing the potential of bread as a valuable protein source. Below are four protein trends that align well with bread.

Health and Conscious Consumption
Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of sustainability and health in their purchases. Whole grain bread, already known for its fiber content, is now also an essential source of protein. A trend that is expected to gain even more traction in the coming years.

Protein for Strong Muscles
Proteins are crucial for healthy muscles, and bread proves to be a silent powerhouse. While protein-packed sports shakes are popular, bread offers a surprising amount of protein. The campaign 'Bread, a good story' reveals this fact with the message: "If I had known that, I would have eaten more whole grain bread."

Plant-Based Proteins
The growing trend of vegetarian and vegan eating is making its way into the bakery sector. Bread, traditionally plant-based, contains significant plant-based proteins. This shift not only aligns with health advice but also contributes to climate goals. Brown and whole grain bread provide iron and protein, comparable to animal products.

Protein-Rich Crops from Home Soil
Europe's Farm to Fork strategy and the National Protein Strategy (NES) of the Netherlands emphasize the transition to sustainable food systems. In line with this, the project 'Dutch baking wheat - Going for our own grain' is working on local and sustainable baking wheat. With the website 'www.headabovethegrainfield.nl,' NBC highlights sustainable bakery initiatives in the Netherlands.

Bread, a Good Story

Proteins confirm the health benefits of bread, making it not only a sustainable but also a reliable choice. This is not an exaggerated story; it is simply the reality, according to NBC.


Source: NBC