Posters Meat, Fish, Fruit and Vegetables and Dairy
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Posters Meat, Fish, Fruit and Vegetables and Dairy

  • 21 November 2023

Through the trade magazine Voedingsindustrie we distribute the poster VLEES, VIS, FRUIT & VEGETABLES and DAIRY. On the posters you will find the structure of the various processing industries. Because of the great demand we have these posters also available online. Download them here without any obligation.

Download the most recent posters for free

Poster DAIRY 2024 (release date 9 April 2024)

Poster FRUIT & VEGETABLE 2024 (release date 18 June 2024)

Poster MEAT 2023 (release date 12 September 2023)

Poster FISH 2023 (release date 21 November 2023)


The posters will be enclosed in the Voedingsindustrie magazine in a print run of 3,500.

We would like to hear if you are interested in advertising on the posters 2024 and if so which position you prefer.


For the price below you will be able to hang on the wall of our readers, more than 3,000 food producing companies, for a whole year.

Upon participation, you will receive a number of unfolded posters for your own use or to hand out.

The price for the small blocks is € 995.

The large blocks (portrait or landscape) cost € 1.495,-

(prices excl. VAT)

Send an email to [email protected] for more information

Source: ©Vakblad Voedingsindustrie