Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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Shelf space for young farmers

11 February 2019

With the 'Jonge boer over de vloer' (Young farmer coming by) initiative, Albert Heijn will be offering a platform for products from young Dutch farmers as of 11 February. Four selected young farmers will have shelf space...

Act stronger as a meat chain

07 February 2019

Economic and social challenges for the Dutch meat sector can only be tackled effectively through stronger chain links. Following in the footsteps of the veal sector, the pig sector will also set up a new chain organisati...

"Circular business practices are possible"

04 February 2019

"After the initial growth phase, it is time that the circular economy grows up and is rolled out on a larger scale”, says Jan Jonker, Professor in Sustainable Entrepreneurship. "We are on a train but have to work hard to...

Look before you jump!

04 February 2019

More and more people say that they care about products being sustainable, animal-friendly, and environmentally friendly. Companies and manufacturers use quality labels to show their customers that they meet this demand. ...

Johma innovates with Nanotechology

04 February 2019

110 stainless steel funnels and 50 standard bins of specialist spreads manufacturer Johma 'from Twente' now have an RSS Ceramic Nano-coating. Thanks to this coating, the waste of spreads left behind in the funnels has be...

MarketCall pays off

04 February 2019

You probably recognise this. You want to bring your products or services to the attention of potential clients but you lack the time or the right tools to do this. And furthermore, the whim of the day determines your age...

A visit to Prins and Dingemanse

04 February 2019

How to reach the new generation who would sooner prefer sushi over shellfish? How can you become more successful worldwide? How do you continuously build on your brand recognition? These questions have one answer in comm...

Sustainable preservation of mankind

04 February 2019

Sustainability: a wonderful concept, but how to handle it? People, there is so much more going on than just the rise of the sea level. Let’s just spend 254 billion and we no longer have to worry about the CO2 reductio...

Food service channel VersTrade:

04 February 2019

Within a period of just two years, VersTrade has grown into a successful platform. It is the online link between food manufacturers - from small-scale, artisanal products to major brands - and the hospitality branch and ...

Making the rice production more sustainable

04 February 2019

"If Dutch retailers can stimulate rice farmers to apply more climate-friendly methods, the global emission of methane can be reduced by 70%”, says Chris Brown of the international food and agri-business Olam, which provi...

Reducing food waste: The search for solutions

04 February 2019

Food waste. There are plenty of initiatives to prevent it but, in practice, it is easier said than done. The objective of the foundation 'Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling' (Fighting Food Waste Together) is to reduce food w...

The way we shop is changing fundamentally.

04 February 2019

A diverse group of people - growers and retailers, meat, fish, and fruit and vegetable producers - registered for the first knowledge event organised by FoodIndustrie Experts, which has the theme 'Where does the retail s...

Few additions at Chateau Briand Soest

04 February 2019

A young business, yet with many years of experiences, is pushing forward. Chateau Briand Soest makes no concessions when it comes to quality. Their sausages and meatballs are traditionally pure and delicious products. ...

Animal welfare and/or sustainability

04 February 2019

Storteboom Fresh in Putten, part of the British 2 Sisters Food Group, is the most animal-friendly poultry slaughterhouse in the Netherlands*. But do they apply sustainable practices as well? General Manager Harm Laros te...

QR codes breaking through in food sector

01 February 2019

Paying via a QR code in the store, is still not very common in the Netherlands. In Belgium, however, QR code payments are already regularly used. This year the QR code will also break through in the Netherlands, accordin...