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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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A close eye on packaging and labels

05 March 2019

Shortly before Christmas last year, the NVWA published its annual plan for 2019. This year the regulator is examining food safety, deceptive packaging and the accuracy of labels, with a focus on industrial companies. Law...

Has Food Experience 2019

05 March 2019

More than 200 up-and-coming food professionals presented their innovative projects during the HAS Food Experience on 5th February 2019 under the theme 'Today's Food Challenges'. An inspiring exhibition, full of innovatio...

Effectiviteit van Nocotech

05 March 2019

Om de effectiviteit van het Nocotech desinfectiesysteem aan te tonen, gaat Simpel Desinfecteren microbiologische data verzamelen bij hun klanten. Dit gebeurt uiteraard vertrouwelijk en anoniem.  Het doel is om een g...

Halal producten exporteren

28 February 2019

De markt voor halalproducten groeit wereldwijd sterk. Als je halal producten wilt exporteren dan krijg je te maken met bepaalde certificeringseisen. Het kan zijn dat er handelingen of processen aangepast moeten worden bi...

IFFA: Digitalisation for the trade

28 February 2019

At IFFA in Frankfurt am Main, butchers and meat processing professionals will be able to learn more about the way in which traditional and future practices will collaborate in their trade from 4 to 9 May. The digital rev...

Top 5 Consumer Trends 2019

28 February 2019

Insights from some of the world’s largest food and nutrition research providers have been analysed by NZMP, picking its top five trends for food and beverage manufacturers worldwide. NZMP, the global ingredients brand of...

Europa eet steeds minder

27 February 2019

De voedingssector moet naarstig op zoek naar nieuwe afzetmarkten of het toevoegen van meer waarde aan zijn producten. Reden is dat de bevolking in Europa vanaf 2025 niet meer zal groeien. Naar verwachting zijn er over 10...

COV cooperates with China on ASF

26 February 2019

The COV has made certain agreements with its sister organisation CMA to be able to continue exporting pig meat in the event of an unexpected outbreak of African swine fever. In addition, efforts have been made to regiona...

Ministeries over voedselveiligheid

26 February 2019

Op 26 februari heeft Rijksoverheid een rapport gepubliceerd over de verantwoordelijkheidsverdeling voor voedselveiligheid tussen de ministeries van LNV en VWS. Minister Bruins (Medische Zorg en Sport) en minister Schoute...

Tetra Top wins Innovation Award

25 February 2019

Tetra Top®, Tetra Pak's innovative cardboard bottle, won the Packaging Innovation Award at the M.A.D.E. exhibition, France's largest retail event. Tetra Top 50cl is innovative in the packaging world because of its mod...

Argos: supplier and producer

25 February 2019

Besides being a supplier of packaging and protective materials, Argos is also a producer. At stand 3.G123, our own production is central. With its own production facility and extensive machinery, the company is able to p...

Dörr destacks

25 February 2019

With more than 500 machines in the field, Dörr is probably the most experienced destacking machine manufacturer. "We don't promise golden mountains. And not the solution for all destacking requirements either. We only pr...

Multipond shows Argus innovation

25 February 2019

The Multipond Multihead weigher with patented 3D camera system, Argus, pays for itself in no time. Weighing with up to twenty to forty percent more performance, without a specialist operator. The system has been further ...

Baking paper and non PVC film

25 February 2019

Meda-Pak has been producing plastic cling film and aluminium foil for more than 40 years; under its own brand, 'Fresh and Eazy', and under private label. Empack 2019 will now also introduce the full range of baking paper...

Efficient packaging and damage-free delivery

25 February 2019

With the fast, ever-changing supply chain environment, you need packaging machines that are flexible, easy to use, and able to keep up with the growing market. But you also need to ensure that the products you ship arriv...