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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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NVWA 2021: improving flexibility and supervision

28 December 2020

In the year 2021 a lot is asked of the change capacity of the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) and its employees. This is the conclusion of Inspector General Maarten Ruys in his foreword to the NVW...

Takeover of Johma salads

23 December 2020

IK Investment Partners (“IK”) is pleased to announce that the IK VII Fund has reached an agreement to sell Signature Foods (“the Company”) to Pamplona Capital Management (“Pamplona”). Financial terms of the transaction a...

LNV focuses on new and vegetable proteins

23 December 2020

Over the next 5 to 10 years, the Netherlands will stimulate the cultivation of protein-rich crops such as field beans and potatoes in order to become less dependent on imports of protein-rich raw materials (soy) from out...

An upside down year

22 December 2020

The year 2020 is almost over. An upside down year as my son says, who by the way also hung his Christmas tree on the ceiling to reinforce this. And we agree that it has been an upside down year. So many things that co...

Good progress for Food Covenant

21 December 2020

In the food sector, 105 companies are demonstrating their progress in international corporate social responsibility. This is more than a doubling compared to the previous period, according to the annual report 2019 - 202...

Skal works with new risk model as of 2021

21 December 2020

As of 2021 Skal Biocontrole works with a risk model to determine which supervisory arrangement a company falls into. In 2021 there are two arrangements for certified bio-companies: high risk and normal risk. Because the ...

Azura Group: First tomato producer 100% CO₂-neutral

18 December 2020

At the end of 2020, the Azura Group, one of the market leaders in fruit and vegetable production, will become the first tomato producer and supermarket supplier to achieve CO₂ neutrality for all its activities, from the ...

First vegan cheese from Dutch soil is a fact

17 December 2020

At Boermarke they are ready to go! The first production tests have been done and Boermarke will, as previously announced, deliver the first vegetable alternatives to traditional cheese in the Netherlands as well as withi...

Limiting crisis damage through new earning models

17 December 2020

The corona crisis is causing major differences between sectors that do or do not succeed in adapting their earnings models in time to circumstances, ABN AMRO today concludes in its Sector Forecasts 2021 and 2022.  The...

Scoop: soup of purified rainwater

17 December 2020

After months of preparation, the first soup of purified rainwater was recently produced at Uytewaal Catering in Houten. The production of food with rainwater has never been done before, until now this is done exclusively...

Continuïteit en groei in pre-coronajaar

16 December 2020

Met een productieaandeel van 21% in de totale industriële productie, is de voedings- en drankensector de grootste industriële sector in Nederland. Onder andere met de toenemende export heeft de levensmiddelenindustrie ha...

The impact of corona on agricultural sectors

15 December 2020

In recent months there have been many (possible) threats and uncertainties for the Dutch agribusiness. But what is the actual impact of the corona crisis on this sector? Researchers from Wageningen Economic Research have...

MULTIVAC is one of the '50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders'

15 December 2020

For MULTIVAC, sustainability is an integral part of its business strategy. This has led to the appointment of one of the 50 model companies in the field of climate protection and energy efficiency. In this top 50, they a...

Anuga FoodTec postponed until April 2022

11 December 2020

The Anuga FoodTec, originally planned for March 2021, will be extended to 26-29 April 2022. The pandemic and the associated travel restrictions are the main reasons for the postponement.  In 2022, the fair will t...

HAK werkt aan ‘intelligent groentebord’

11 December 2020

HAK werkt aan het ontwerp en de productie van een ‘intelligent groentebord’ om kinderen op geraffineerde wijze en ongemerkt te verleiden dagelijks meer groenten te laten eten dan nu het geval is. De groentefabrikant wil ...