Food waste
Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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Halving food waste 2030. How?

21 June 2019

The government has set itself the target of reducing food waste by 50% by 2030. In order to achieve this goal, it is now up to the consumer, as the biggest waste, to make the move, says ABN AMRO on the basis of recent re...

Air distribution mats for containers

10 June 2019

Great temperature differences in reefer containers cause many problems for fruit importers and exporters. Due to the difference in temperature, some of the fruit can no longer be sold and exporters receive many damage cl...

AH-medewerkers: ‘Master in vers’

05 June 2019

Albert Heijn zet vol in op het beste versaanbod in Nederland. Daartoe worden drie winkels per week omgebouwd naar het nieuwste winkelconcept met meer ruimte voor vers eten en kookinspiratie. Medewerkers krijgen bovendien...

Too Good To Go takes action

03 June 2019

During the European Week for Sustainable Development (30 May - 5 June 2019), Too Good To Go, the world's largest app against food waste, will launch a unique campaign. Too Good To Go identifies food waste as the 3rd larg...

Online against food waste

24 May 2019

On 23 May, Instock launched an online marketplace against food waste! With, Instock connects surpluses and imperfect products to the hospitality industry. The products are collected at the new food rescu...

AH starts dynamically discounting products

20 May 2019

On Monday 20 May, Albert Heijn took a new step in reducing food waste with the 'dynamic price reduction' trial. The products are automatically discounted on the basis of the shelf life: the shorter the shelf life, the hi...

Improving the quality of fruit and vegetables

19 March 2019

Project leader Eelke Westra (WUR): "One of the most groundbreaking results, in my opinion, is the objective measuring method that can assess large quantities of fruit and vegetables for quality at the same time. This mak...

Food Heroes Awards presented

15 March 2019

The Food Heroes Awards were presented during the CFIA Expo. This year, EnVie (Belgium), Ovo (the Netherlands) and Mussella (France) received an award for reducing food waste in the primary sector in a special way. EnVie ...

Reducing food waste: The search for solutions

04 February 2019

Food waste. There are plenty of initiatives to prevent it but, in practice, it is easier said than done. The objective of the foundation 'Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling' (Fighting Food Waste Together) is to reduce food w...

Johma innovates with Nanotechology

04 February 2019

110 stainless steel funnels and 50 standard bins of specialist spreads manufacturer Johma 'from Twente' now have an RSS Ceramic Nano-coating. Thanks to this coating, the waste of spreads left behind in the funnels has be...

Gmyrek part of Group of Butchers

30 November 2018

Early October Hartmann Fleischwaren was added to the ranks of Group of Butchers and now it is the turn of Gmyrek Fleisch- und Wurstwaren. Group of Butchers was founded in 1997 by Nick Visser and Wilbert Wolfs and supp...

Ongeveer 40% van het groente- en fruitafval in Europa is vermijdbaar

14 August 2018

Er wordt in de Europese Unie ongeveer 35,3 kilo groenten- en fruitafval per persoon per jaar geproduceerd. Ongeveer 17 miljard kilo vers fruit en groenten belandt in de vuilnisbak op jaarbasis. 40% hiervan is vermijdbaar...

Terugdingen voedselverspilling

09 July 2018

Wageningen Food & Biobased Research (WFBR) voert sinds 2013, in opdracht van het ministerie Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit, jaarlijks de Monitor Voedselverspilling uit. Recent is de update Monitor Voedselverspi...

Inzicht in voedselkeuzegedrag

06 February 2018

Zowel de agrifood- als de tuinbouwsector benadrukken in hun innovatie-agenda’s het belang van een maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemende sector, die een gezondere voedselkeuze wil stimuleren. Bedrijfsleven en kennisins...

Nieuwe samenwerkingsvorm beperkt voedselverspilling

09 January 2018

'Efficiënte Keten, verwaarding van reststromen' is een project dat wordt geleid door het Louis Bolk Instituut met ondersteuning vanuit Wageningen Food & Biobased Research. Het project heeft tot doel om derving (voeds...