Food waste
Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Sustainable packaging: Challenges and opportunities

Packaging needs to be more sustainable. Everyone agrees on that. But how? Companies must align their processes and products with evolving regulations, including the new Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). ..

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LIFE College in Finale mbo-Challenge Food waste

27 January 2020

A group of 9 students of the mbo-education Food & Technology of the Lentiz | LIFE College has been selected for the finals of the "mbo-Challenge", a national competition on the theme "Food waste". The students came u...

Foodybag reduces food waste

14 January 2020

As of January 13th, restaurants will be able to display a special #waste-free logo behind their windows or on their menus to show their commitment to fighting food waste. What is not eaten may be taken home. The logo, la...

Future of Food

19 December 2019

Vakblad Voedingsindustrie participates in the Future of Food campaign launched by Mediaplanet on 19 December 2019. Learn more about various trends and developments in the field of food. Subjects such as mechanisation, su...

LTO: meat tax does not contribute to sustainability

14 November 2019

A meat tax does not contribute to further sustainability of the livestock sector and a fair income for farm families, according to LTO Nederland in response to the proposal of the True Animal Protein Price Coalition (TAP...

Ten global interventions against food waste

14 November 2019

On 12 November, the report 'Reducing Food Loss and Waste: Ten Interventions to Scale Impact' was launched during the international congress 'Reduction of food losses and waste' in the Vatican City. The authors of the rep...

Magic Box against food waste

29 October 2019

Consumers can buy a Magic Box from retailers with the app Too Good To Go. The Magic Box is full of food products that would have been thrown away. The buyers consume 90% of the content of the box, according to research b...

Smart barcode against food waste

24 October 2019

Wasteless, a young company that helps supermarkets keep food waste to a minimum, has entered into an effective partnership with GS1 to achieve its goal. They do this by means of smart GS1 barcodes. With this barcode, fre...

The Dutch fight against food waste

03 October 2019

The Dutch have started to waste less food at home. In 2019, the Dutch wasted 34.3 kilos of food per person; almost 7 kilos less than in 2016. There is also less drinking washed away through the sink and the toilet. This ...

7 miljoen extra tegen voedselverspilling

01 October 2019

In de begroting van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) is ruim aandacht voor voedselverspilling. Het tegengaan van voedselverspilling is onderdeel van een bredere transitie naar kringlooplandbo...

Ahold Delhaize increases commitment to slash food waste in half by 2030

25 September 2019

Ahold Delhaize announced on 25 September 2019 it will extend its commitment to cut food waste in its brands’ operations. The reduction is in line with the global goal of reducing food waste by 50% by 2030. It will also i...

Consumption of fruit and vegetables stagnates

16 September 2019

Since the low VAT rate was raised at the beginning of this year, the consumption of fruit and vegetables has stagnated. Supermarkets sold 2% less fresh fruit and only 1% more fresh vegetables. Approximately 18% of consum...

Control everything you eat in one app

15 August 2019

Foodned wants to bring together different companies, services and applications in one app. In this app you collect all your eating moments and with this app the app maps out your nutrition. The app serves consumers with ...

Tomorrow's food: Pills, powders and insects

15 August 2019

On Wednesday 10 July, De Studio, the new location of the NEMO Science Museum at Marineterrein Amsterdam, opened with the exhibition 'Voedsel van morgen' (Tomorrow's food). In this exhibition, NEMO, in collaboration with ...

Too Good To Go saves 1 million meals

13 August 2019

Since 22 January 2018, Too Good To Go has been effectively combating food waste in the Netherlands. The app now has a community of more than 800,000 registered app users who can go to more than 2,000 affiliated locations...

MBO-challenge Food Wastage

16 July 2019

Food waste goes far beyond the scraps that go into the garbage can at home. Throughout the entire chain, food is lost or wasted. Worldwide, this involves 1.3 billion tonnes per year, one third of all the food produced. I...