Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Important safety standards in powder production

Maintaining strict guidelines for food safety and quality is a constant challenge that impacts every link in the food chain. The food industry allocates a significant portion of its budget to reduce the risk of food cont..

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Updated ISO 22000 for food safety

08 May 2018

Businesses in the food sector must monitor the safety of their products. In order to control food safety, they can set up a system themselves, but they do not have to reinvent the wheel. They can simply use existing stan...

Nutrilab: Listeria eliminated after two treatments

09 April 2018

The infection density of a food production space increases due to moisture and proteins, ingredients that sustain bacteria well and which find their way into nearly every production space on a daily basis. This is not on...

Awareness to the next level

09 April 2018

High quality awareness for all employees at every link in the production chain is essential for improving the final quality of the product. A positive quality culture is a significant condition. “Management is charged wi...

Customised, gasless steam production

09 April 2018

The use of fossil fuels needs to be decreased. The supply of gas is finite and exacerbates climate issues. Businesses must look to alternative energy sources, which includes their need for a steam supply. Scharff Technie...

Mouse infestation? Keep them outside!

05 March 2018

You might have seen the news; two Amsterdam supermarkets have closed their doors and there have been hygiene issues abound at various well-known public locations due to mouse infestation. The costs can be staggering sign...

High season for the smoked sausage specialist

05 March 2018

The brother-butchers Bert and Jannes Koetsier specialise in smoked sausages prepared with fresh ingredients and smoked on beechwood. In 2014, they developed a new passion: knackwurst. Bert Koetsier tracked its unique his...

Innovation at Simpel Desinfecteren

06 February 2018

Disinfection from a distance is possible (see also Dutch Food Industry Journal - June 2017). The Nocofix, which can hold a 20-litre can, is mounted to the wall. Using a timer, you set the time that you want the disinfect...

Draft of BRC Global Standard Food Safety Issue 8

06 February 2018

In November, the BRC released "Issue 8 of the Draft for Industry Consultation", a first look into the changes that will be implemented in the new BRC Food standard. The standard is expected to be ready in August 2018 and...

The right floor and the right drain

06 February 2018

The food industry cannot escape potentially hazardous situations: temperature, fluids and fats create risks with ease. However, many of these can be avoided. Each producer has a HACCP protocol for food-safe production...

Erkenning FAVV voor Nutrilab

09 January 2018

Sinds 15 januari 2018 maakt Nutrilab deel uit van het netwerk van erkende laboratoria van het Federaal Agentschap voor de veiligheid van de voedselketen (FAVV), de Belgische tegenhanger van de NVWA. Slechts een vijfti...

Gezond eten stijgt meer in prijs dan ongezond eten

09 January 2018

In tien jaar tijd zijn gezonde voedingsmiddelen met 22 procent duurder geworden, ongezonde producten stegen gemiddeld 13 procent in prijs. Er waren zelfs een aantal producten goedkoper in 2017 dan tien jaar eerder; dit g...

Één kwaliteitsmaatstaf voor Nederlandse varkenssector

09 January 2018

De POV en COV komen in het kader van de uitvoering van het Actieplan Vitalisering Varkenshouderij met één kwaliteitsmaatstaf voor de Nederlandse varkenssector, genaamd Normenkader Holland Varken. Hiermee kan de sector af...

Zout- en verzadigd vetgehalte daalt

09 January 2018

Het zoutgehalte van levensmiddelen die de NVWA onderzocht is in de afgelopen 6 jaar met 11% afgenomen. Echter geldt die niet voor sauzen; daar nam het zoutgehalte juist toe. In 2017 daalt ook het percentage verzadigd vet...

Cleaning first, production later

02 January 2018

Both from a food safety perspective and in view of the current  financial crisis, food processing companies are paying increasing  attention to the cleaning process. How can they save costs without  jeopar...

M12 kabels die voldoen aan alle reinigingseisen

11 December 2017

Binnen gebieden waar elk onderdeel van een installatie in contact met het te bereiden voedsel kan komen of waar het voedsel weer terug in het verwerkingsproces komt, moeten componenten aan alle eisen van reinigbaarheid v...