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Million-euro grant for research on pathogens in plant-based products

Researchers of Wageningen University & Research have received a grant of one million euros through the international platform Plant2Food. This funding is intended for a study on pathogens in plant-based products. The..

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Beans in bread: a revolutionary idea?

31 January 2023

Researchers and chefs at the University of Reading aim to encourage British consumers and food producers to switch to bread containing faba beans (commonly known as broad beans), making it healthier and less damaging to ...

Aged meat not riskier than fresh meat

23 January 2023

Aged meat does not pose any additional risks compared to fresh meat if it is aged under controlled conditions, EFSA experts concluded in a scientific opinion released recently. “Aged meat has risen in popularity in re...

Total copper intakes below new safe level

23 January 2023

Combined exposure to copper from all sources does not pose health concerns for the EU population, say EFSA’s scientific experts. Excessive copper retention in the body over time could be toxic for humans, especially t...

Safe preservation of meat and meat substitutes without nitrite

17 January 2023

The technologists of TOP bv from Wageningen have licensed a patent on a process that prevents the growth of the ‘botulism bacteria’ Clostridium botulinum in meat, meat substitute and hybride products without having to us...

Consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables stabilises in 2022

13 January 2023

After a very sharp decline in 2020 and 2021, we ate plenty in (company) restaurants again in 2022. As a result, consumption of fruit and vegetables at home fell by three per cent in 2022. In contrast, consumption in hote...

Stricter regulations for acrylamide

19 December 2022

In mid-2023, the European Commission will amend Regulation (EU) 2017/2158, regulating acrylamide - the carcinogenic substance created by high-temperature frying or baking of starchy foods. The European Commission announc...

Additional sampling of pigs at slaughterhouses

19 December 2022

From September to the end of 2022, the NVWA will take extra samples at slaughterhouses of cattle, pigs, horses, goats and sheep. In November, the NVWA reported on the results of sampling in cattle. These are the first re...

Meal boxes: Open book or black box?

15 December 2022

Meal boxes make it easy for you with their recipes and content tailored accordingly. But do they also provide enough information to make healthy choices? That varies quite a bit. The Consumers' Association found out h...

Low nutritional quality in vegan meat big problem

12 December 2022

There are many challenges regarding the nutritional value of meat substitutes. A study from Chalmers now shows that many of the meat substitutes sold in Sweden claim a high content of iron – but in a form that cannot be ...

Children's marketing of unhealthy food legally restricted

12 December 2022

The government wants to legally restrict child marketing for unhealthy food. For healthy food and drink, advertising aimed at minors will continue to be allowed. In addition, municipalities will be given a new legal powe...

Europe scores poorly on healthy food environment policies

07 December 2022

In eleven European countries, governments should make a larger effort to support people to eat healthy by creating healthy food environments. This can be read in an The Lancet Regional Health – Europe publication. "Th...

Zuneha cuts costs with heat recovery system

22 November 2022

Zuneha supplies fresh meat to the butchery industry. Recently, the medium-sized company invested in a new CO2 refrigeration system with heat recovery. The heat from the chillers is used to heat the water; thus, substanti...

Sanitisation with microwaves and radio frequency

22 November 2022

SAIREM, specialist in industrial solutions with microwaves and radio frequency, will present its decontamination technologies at Food Ingredients Europe, from 6 to 8 December 2022. Decontamination with these systems e...

Column Judith Witte: Clean enough

21 November 2022

My definition of 'clean' is quite different from the one usually used by my homeliving offspring (16, 18, 20). Our living situation is no exception. Since the introduction of the social loan system (2015), far fewer stud...

'The drive for improvement is there'

21 November 2022

The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) oversees - among other things - the production of safe food. Recent outbreaks and major changes in detection techniques are prompting more attention to machine ...