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Vision report | Digital and sustainable transformation

How advanced are Food & Beverage companies in their digital transformation concerning sustainability? In this report, we discuss the progress and challenges of this transformation with 8 professionals. The Food &a..

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Used, originally reconditioned machines at Empack

31 August 2021

As a fresh produce producer you have the choice at MULTIVAC of state-of-the-art packaging or processing machines as well as used machines with original spare parts. Fast delivery for a smaller budget and still responsibl...

Number of food webshops through the roof

23 August 2021

Because of corona we shop online massively. So it's only logical that the number of new webshops is going through the roof. The number of new food webshops grew the fastest in 2021, with 39% (from 4,660 to 6,500). Among ...

Digitalisation at manufacturer Autodrop

14 June 2021

Twelve million kilos of sweets roll off the conveyor belt of manufacturer Concorp, known for Autodrop. The third generation of this family business is preparing for the next phase of growth, and is focusing on innovation...

Intelligent robots increase the benefit from fresh produce

21 April 2021

Around the world, grading, sorting and assembling of fresh fruits and vegetables is done predominantly manually. “It would save companies a lot of time and costs if these time-consuming, dull and repetitive tasks were ca...

Concurrentie voordeel met de juiste tools

12 April 2021

Save the date! 05.05.2021: Forward21. Voor virtuele inzichten in digitalisering in de procesindustrie. Want het niet langer de vraag óf bedrijven digitaliseren, maar met welke ideale aanpak. De procesindustrie kent bijzo...

Zilver voor AI-oplossing Jamboflash

08 March 2021

Hoge kosten voor kwaliteitsborging, gebrekkige processen, slecht gebruik van grondstoffen; er zijn veel ongunstige scenario's voor levensmiddelenbedrijven. Kunstmatige intelligentie kan vele processen in de voedselverwer...

Axitour enables guided tours 'at a distance'

19 February 2021

Because of the coronavirus we are living in the 1.5 meter society. This makes guiding people around a location or during an event difficult and with the current lockdown it is even impossible. Axitour, a provider of comm...

A Manufacturing Execution System, Easy as pie?

12 January 2021

A Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is an information system for planning, monitoring and controlling production processes with a continuous character. It is the vertical, digital connection between the office and the...

DSM and TU Delft launch Artificial Intelligence Lab

12 January 2021

Royal DSM and TU Delft announced the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Lab for Biosciences (the AI4B.io Lab). This lab is the first of its kind in Europe to apply artificial intelligence (AI) to the entire fie...

Companies are asking massively for GS1 barcodes

12 January 2021

Dutch companies are eager for GS1 barcodes. In the past year, over 4,500 new companies have signed up with GS1 Netherlands, because they want a unique barcode on their products for (online) sales. GS1 Netherlands now has...

Hygiene as a pillar for Eetgemak

16 November 2020

According to meal supplier Eetgemak, everyone deserves a fresh, healthy and tasty meal. The basis is good ingredients and the right recipe, but optimal hygiene during preparation is just as indispensable. Many Dutch p...

Getting over the corona ditch together

16 November 2020

We back-up everything. It must be packed in 'the cloud' in the meantime. I see a rental company for storage boxes, every loft filled with beautiful stuff (data), but also with a lot of unnecessary junk. If something goes...

Warm contacts

16 November 2020

Are you already getting used to Teams? I am not. I don't think I'll ever get used to it; I'm still a people person.  We miss so many moments of personal contact with each other; both in private life and at work. ...

EU project TRACK reaches almost 400 entrepreneurs

02 November 2020

How can European policy further support the European agri-food sector? That was the main question at the closing meeting of the TRACK project. The aim of this project was to promote the application of big data and to imp...

Robotic technology is here; sector hesitates

30 October 2020

If it were up to Erik Pekkeriet, human hands would make way for robots as much as possible in the production process. It can provide manufacturers with flexibility and leads to fresher and more sustainable food. Accor...