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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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Trends in Smart Food Manufacturing

17 October 2022

Where do the raw materials come from? How much energy does the machine consume? Can production be more efficient? What is the temperature and the humidity? How can I reduce my CO2 footprint and avoid waste? To find answe...

Column Pieter Vos: The human factor

17 October 2022

Recently, insects have often been in the news as a source of protein; to feed a growing world population. But recently I stumbled across another application: the cyborg insect.  Back in 2012, the first reports of 'rem...

Zero Hunger Lab: Data science for food security

17 October 2022

Marleen Balvert, Hein Fleuren and Frans Cruijssen form the management team of the Zero Hunger Lab. All three are involved in the lab in their own way. What binds them is that they each want to use smart maths processes t...

Industry vulnerable to cybercrime

17 October 2022

Robotising and broadly digitising businesses has a down side: cyber risks are on the rise. At 1 in 5, the risk of a cyber attack is many times higher than the risk of fire (1 in 8,000) or burglary (1 in 250). Yet mitigat...

Maximum value from your ERP system

17 October 2022

There is no place where getting a grip on your business processes is more crucial, and at the same time more challenging, than in the Food industry. This puts continuous stress on your margins, on processes and on people...

Big data takes food safety to higher level

17 October 2022

New and powerful algorithms and bioinformatics tools are enabling the development of models that make it much easier to predict outbreaks of food-borne diseases. Nestlé and Mars are among the first to invest in HTS infra...

With GLN, the apple literally does not fall far from the tree

07 October 2022

GS1 together with Fresh Upstream presented the GLN (Global Location Number) register, this tool should make tracking primary food products a lot easier. With the GLN register, each farm and even each plot or tree can ...

KVK: Protect your business with these 7 measures

05 October 2022

There are many ways to be cyber-secure. What you secure and how you do it varies from one business to another. Yet there are a few security points that almost every business owner should think about. The Digital Trust Ce...

Webinar on demand: Blockchain in food

28 June 2022

We know blockchain mainly as a financial tool, the driving force behind crypto currencies such as Bitcoin. But there are so many more applications possible! Blockchain is about data, about increasingly rich information, ...

Get maximum value from your ERP system

20 June 2022

There is no place where keeping a grip on your business processes is as crucial, and at the same time as challenging, as in the food industry. This places a constant pressure on your margins, on processes and on people -...

DNA Services Acquires FreshERP Software

13 April 2022

DNA IT Holding, known for DNA Services, based in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, has completed a new acquisition. The IT company from South Holland has acquired the FreshERP software from Coöperatieve Caswell IT Group in the past q...

CSB-System: new opportunities with digitalisation

11 April 2022

New opportunities through digitalisation, that is the main theme Of CSB-System at IFFA 2022. The added value of the right ERP system extends far beyond the daily operations of a meat company. With the CSB-System you take...

Into the future with the new generation ERP

07 March 2022

Enterprise software supplier Aptean facilitates food & beverage companies with their digital transformation. Not only with a specialized ERP system but with a more broadly oriented, modular, always up-to-date softwar...

QIS introduces CAPA!

01 March 2022

QIS is excited to introduce a new set of modules that allow for the creation and entry of electronic workflows that will further support the Quality assurance and Quality Control of your manufacturing and other processes...

Manufacturing Execution System, Easy as pie?

08 February 2022

Doing business in the food process industry means looking ahead, making the right choices and being able to make flexible adjustments. Factual insights into your current production process give you the means to set the r...