Cooling and freezing
Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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Packaging under the right conditions

06 March 2023

In the food industry, products are often packed in high-care areas, where air quality is essential. In addition to maintaining the required room temperature, it is important that sufficient fresh air is ventilated in the...

Exploding food storage costs cause new setback

31 August 2022

The rise in food prices is not only linked to increased production costs. Storage costs are also rising sharply. Fruit, vegetables and meat are stored in cold stores that require a lot of energy, according to Financieele...

Iglo: frozen food key in fight against food waste

17 August 2022

Although 75 percent of Dutch people think about wasting food when they buy fruit and vegetables, the same percentage regularly throw vegetables away because they have passed their expiry date. Iglo suggests that much of ...

Storage technology optimisation in fresh produce chain

20 June 2022

New building and renovation of refrigeration systems offers users the opportunity to reformulate product (quality) requirements and apply energy optimisation; for example, by using the system data that will become availa...

Cold stores in trouble due to high energy costs

15 June 2022

Nekovri - the association of Dutch cold-storage and freezer stores - indicates that member companies of the association are confronted with very high energy costs, and that this can lead to financial problems. In a manif...

Future-proof cooling and freezing

11 April 2022

Lti puts the emphasis on energy saving. To this end, each installation is fitted with an enlarged condenser, heat recovery and/or ADAP COOL control technology if possible. With this method, you can save up to 30% in ener...

Cooling and freezing: not an easy job

11 April 2022

Cooling and freezing are methods that have been known for centuries to extend the shelf life of food. A lower temperature slows down the chemical reactions in the product and reduces microbiological growth, but it also c...

Esbro exploits every change in temperature

07 February 2022

Innovation and quality are leading for Esbro, 'Brand new' is an important spearhead. Littel technical installations (Lti) from Lopik helps Esbro - with the latest technology in refrigeration - to take big steps towards s...

Online edition Construction-Renovation | Refrigeration-Freezing June 2021

14 June 2021

Anyone wishing to build or renovate in the food industry has to deal with many wishes and even more requirements; from clients and governments via legislation and regulations; regarding energy savings, ...

Maintaining and monitoring food quality

14 June 2021

With all the attention paid to the storage and transport of corona vaccines, the cold chain is once again in the spotlight. The food industry has known for decades that respecting the cold chain is crucial for monitoring...

High-rise and full mechanization at Coenen in Haps

14 June 2021

It is the middle of May 2021. There are storms and heavy rainfall on the Laarakker industrial estate in Haps. There, right next to the A73 motorway, transport company Coenen Boxmeer and its subsidiary Districenter Cuijk ...

Doors make the difference

12 April 2021

Warm air supply and ice formation in the cold store gave Seacon Production headaches. It endangered the quality of the deep-frozen fish products. A new air door in combination with a high-speed door provided the desired ...

The role of doors in food safety

23 February 2021

An important part of ensuring food safety is monitoring the temperature of the products throughout the process. This is achieved by sealing the conditioned areas airtight with properly insulating door. Food safety acc...

Refrigeration sector joins forces

11 November 2020

Providers and end users of refrigeration technology have recently set up the Stichting Netwerk Koude- en Klimaattechniek (NKK). The foundation will supervise the safety and quality of refrigeration systems. Due to the in...

Faster freezing in solid cardboard packaging

29 October 2020

Fresh produce is usually frozen in packaging. Independent research shows that there is a big difference between the freezing speed of products packed in closed solid cardboard and corrugated cardboard. This has an impact...