Cooling and freezing
Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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What can the cold chain offer the fresh chain?

14 June 2016

New food concepts and new suppliers are making an entrance, the topic of food waste is higher up on the agenda than ever before, sustainability and energy efficiency form an essential part of the business strategy and th...

‘Nostalgia clouds the discussion about additives’

14 June 2016

Consumer trust in the food industry is low, but the cause is not clear. “What is clear is that the industry will have to do something to improve its communication with consumers,” says Director Philip den Ouden (FNLI). ...

Keeping online food cool for more than 24 hours

14 June 2016

Recycold® has developed recyclable one-way cool packs and transport boxes that are 100% eco-friendly, 100% food safe and 100% temperature-controlled. Food is currently the biggest source of online growth. However, in vie...

‘Cool has never been so cool'

14 June 2016

Recyclable one-way cool packs and distribution boxes that are 100% sustainable, 100% food-grade and 100% temperature-controlled – the increase in online food sales is creating high demand for such products. The new compa...

Improving quality in chilled food products

10 May 2016

The entire organisation plays a role in quality. It is becoming increasingly common for quality specialists to work together with colleagues from other departments in order to take quality to the next level. Here, three ...

Energiebesparende klimaatscheiding

12 April 2016

Het Biddle industrie-luchtgordijn, model IndAC2 ambient, garandeert niet alleen een optimale klimaatscheiding in de deuropening, maar zorgt ook voor een constante temperatuur in het vrieshuis en reduceert het energieverb...

Ultramodern and sustainable solutions at Westfort

09 February 2016

Westfort is the combination of two family-run companies, both with a long history in pork: Egbert Kruiswijk Vleesproducten B.V. and Lunenburg Vlees B.V. They decided to join forces in 2013, and Westfort recently opened i...

MAT Hybrid: sustainable and safe climate zone separation

09 February 2016

If you want to separate two areas with different climates, your first thought will probably be to install a wall and a door. But what if you’re a wholesaler with fresh departments that must be easily accessible and also ...

Industrial door systems for new cold store

08 September 2015

The construction of a new cold store for Ter Maten Pluimveebedrijf in Bunschoten-Spakenburg, NL, was started in 2014 and completed in March 2015. Hörmann supplied and installed overhead and high-speed doors as well as lo...

Keeping fresh products cool

30 June 2015

Van Kempen, a leading player in refrigeration engineering, is specialised in industrial air conditioning for products in the fresh produce, flower, meat and fish sectors. In order to guarantee quality, the company has al...

Research into the transport of partially chilled carcasses

30 June 2015

In September 2014 Vakblad Voedingsindustrie and FoodInBusiness reported on research into the transport of partially chilled carcasses in the light of a possible amendment to EU legislation. It’s high time for an update. ...

Refrigeration systems in the production process

30 June 2015

Refrigeration is an essential aspect of quality management in the entire food chain, and the system should suit the production process. In most companies, however, that process evolves and changes over the years, and leg...

Sustainability made easy

30 June 2015

Nekovri is the leading organisation in The Netherlands in the area of temperature-controlled logistics. “As a self-respecting industry association, Nekovri must be bold enough to look beyond the horizon,” states the orga...