Column Pieter Vos: Give it a chance
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Column Pieter Vos: Give it a chance

  • 17 June 2024
  • By: Pieter Vos

A right-wing cabinet is about to take office. The - mainly left-wing - media are reacting extremely critically; columns and opinion pieces are filled with negativity. There's nothing wrong with asking critical questions, but in my view, it has gone too far. The media are dismissing initiatives outright from the start.

I observe this tendency everywhere around me. It’s not just journalists who seem to be 'infected' by it. Whatever it is, new ideas are immediately met with resistance and numerous objections from the audience. ‘Yes, but...’ prevails.

This makes any proposal for change or innovation doomed from the start. I find this extremely unfortunate because there are so many people with wonderful creative ideas. And these ideas can come from anywhere, even from the employees on your production floor. Take them seriously!

How can we collectively turn this negative attitude into a positive one? I believe it doesn't have to be complicated at all. What is needed is a dose of genuine interest and a bit of curiosity about others. There's nothing wrong with asking further questions. So, ask about the motivations behind an idea or new solution, and ask for extra clarification if you don't understand, instead of dismissing it outright. Try not to judge. Just give new ideas a chance.

Even though it's (almost) summer and you're longing for a walk on the beach: for a change, take those heels out of the sand. You’ll be surprised at what it brings.

Pieter Vos
Director Nutrilab

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2024