Are meat substitutes really healthy?
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Are meat substitutes really healthy?

  • 01 July 2024

Plant-based burgers and sausages are increasingly being chosen as alternatives to meat, but how healthy are they really? Recent research suggests that these meat substitutes are generally healthier than traditional meat, mainly due to their high fiber content, low saturated fat levels, and absence of cholesterol.

Meat substitutes, made from plant-based proteins like soy, wheat, peas, beans, or nuts, now fill supermarket shelves. More and more Dutch consumers are opting for these products for environmental and animal welfare reasons. But just how healthy are these plant-based alternatives? Researcher Felicia Tsam points out that the composition and nutritional profiles of meat substitutes can vary significantly. Overall, plant-based burgers and sausages are better for the heart than real meat. They contain a lot of fiber, little saturated fat, and no cholesterol, which can help reduce cardiovascular risk factors. The research shows that these products do not raise blood pressure, despite some variants having a high sodium content.

Processing and dietary choices

Although plant-based burgers and sausages are highly processed foods, this does not automatically mean they are unhealthy. Tsam compares this to olive oil and whole grains, which are also processed but are generally considered healthy. When choosing meat substitutes, it is important to check the nutritional profile for protein, fiber, saturated fat, and salt. Variants with less saturated fat and salt are generally healthier. It is also wise to avoid breaded varieties to control calorie intake and the use of refined carbohydrates.

Need for further research

Despite the positive findings on the health benefits of meat substitutes, researchers emphasize the need for further study. There is a lack of long-term research on the impact of these products on the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Additionally, little is known about the health effects of specific ingredients in meat substitutes, such as seitan. Nevertheless, current findings suggest that plant-based meat alternatives generally have a healthier profile than meat. For people at high risk of cardiovascular diseases, reducing meat consumption and opting for plant-based options can be a sensible choice.

Source: Scientias