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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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FUMI: Half a million for natural protein substitutes

31 January 2020

All over the world a vegetable alternative to chicken egg protein has been sought for years. FUMI Ingredients, a spin-off of Wageningen University & Research, has found a natural alternative that is cheaper than regu...

10 million extra for circular economy

28 January 2020

In addition to extra money to stimulate investments in environmentally and climate-friendly techniques for entrepreneurs, the government will allocate an extra € 10 million to initiatives in the field of the circular eco...

Food waste tackled with Internet of Things

24 January 2020

As a result of poor control of the conditions during transport of fresh products, there is a great loss of value. In fruit transport this is already 5-8%. TNO and Wageningen Food & Biobased Research are leading a consort...

Healthy eating remains a challenge

24 January 2020

For many people, eating healthier food is not just a good intention, more and more often the start of the new year is seen as picking up the thread again. For a large part of the Dutch, healthier food is the order of the...

Moving Mountains launches No-Pork burger

21 January 2020

Moving Mountains, known from vegetable burgers and hot dogs, is continuously developing various alternative meat products. After recently launching a sausage, the No-Pork Burger is now also available to the market. While...

KIDV: Ambitious out-of-home sector plan

20 January 2020

Leaders in the out-of-home sector will take concrete measures in the coming years to make packaging more sustainable and reduce litter. In collaboration with the Knowledge Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV), a Se...

Foodybag reduces food waste

14 January 2020

As of January 13th, restaurants will be able to display a special #waste-free logo behind their windows or on their menus to show their commitment to fighting food waste. What is not eaten may be taken home. The logo, la...

Dutch people think price of healthy food is too low

14 January 2020

Consumers think that our food has become healthier and more sustainable; we pay too little for it. These results of the study were presented at the New Year's Café of Schuttelaar & Partners, the consultancy for a hea...

Alternatives plastic can be worse for the environment

13 January 2020

Experts say that alternatives to plastic can sometimes have an even worse impact on the environment than plastic itself. Their use would, among other things, lead to higher CO2 emissions. The British Circular Taskforc...

Half meat and half vegetable in the meat shelf

08 January 2020

New for consumers who want to eat less meat but don't want to compromise on healthy properties and delicious taste, who are looking for the balance between enjoyment, responsible living and sustainability. FiftyFifty is ...

Van Loon Group makes meat substitutes

07 January 2020

During the Horecava, Van Loon Group will introduce under a new label 'The Blue Butcher', an extensive range of innovative meat substitutes to build a 'no meat of today' society. With this new label, Van Loon Group respon...

The ten themes of 2020

02 January 2020

Legislation, consumer behaviour and sustainability. Having a good strategy in 2020 is perhaps more important than ever for the entrepreneur. ABN AMRO is already providing insight and background into ten themes that will ...

Agricultural entrepreneurs get a chance to be sustainable

02 January 2020

From 1 January 2020 it will be possible for starting agricultural entrepreneurs to apply for a loan to make their business more sustainable. After a takeover, it is often not possible for start-ups in the agricultural an...

More vegetables in January with 'Green January’

31 December 2020

Vegetable innovator &samhoud food challenges the Netherlands to go 100% vegetable in January in addition to 0% alcohol. With 'Green January' &samhoud food wants people to experience that vegetables and enjoyment ...

Diviande BREEAM-NL Outstanding certified

23 December 2019

In 2017, Diviande started the construction of a new production location, including storage and distribution of its chilled and frozen (meat) products and an office function. During the construction, sustainability was a ...