Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Six in ten Dutch want seasonal and local food

More than six in ten Dutch people believe we should strictly eat seasonally to reduce environmental impact. This desire is highlighted in the latest National Choice Stress Monitor by market research firm MSI Consultants...

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The right door for every room

15 June 2020

Chilled, cold or frozen. This infographic shows how EFAFLEX fast and safe doors can be used at practically any point in a food or beverage production, logistics and distribution centre.  The use of an EFAFLEX Hig...

Klaas Fuite: 'Where there is traffic, food is needed'

15 June 2020

Progressive insights, foresight, a proactive response to social and economic developments and being open to innovations; it turned bakery Fuite from a village bakery in IJsselmuiden into one of the major and leading play...

New survey on opportunities in plant-based sector

11 June 2020

Plant-based cheese, ready meals, seafood, and alternatives to eggs are among the biggest opportunities in the plant-based sector, a major new survey by ProVeg International of 6,221 consumers has found. The survey was...

Remkes: Current nitrogen approach insufficient

09 June 2020

The Advisory Council on Nitrogen Problems states that the government's aim to reduce nitrogen emissions by 26% by 2030 is insufficient. According to the Advisory Board, nitrogen emissions must be at least halved in 2030 ...

Launch of 'applebones' soda without chemicals

09 June 2020

Soft drink start-up Leppa has developed a soft drink that is 100% natural. Made from Apple bones (referring to the core of the apple). A local, healthy alternative - free of complicated transport chains - made from apple...

Meatless BV: Innovation with fava-beans

09 June 2020

In 2017 Meatless BV started research into fava-beans as a crop to produce plant-based proteins locally in the northern part of Europe. Fava beans have been grown for ages, in the 19th century, Holland produced more than ...

Climate gets more attention due to corona

27 May 2020

The Dutch want to preserve the cleaner air that has been created by shutting down large parts of the economy. A representative sample of ABN AMRO and Ipsos shows that more than 71% of those surveyed want to retain the po...

No low hanging fruit within agricultural and food policy

26 May 2020

Based on the political and social debate, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) has inventoried and analysed a broad spectrum of possible policy measures for effectiveness, feasibility and legal legitimac...

HAK: more sustainable farming with compensation for the farmer

20 May 2020

Despite all the commotion from the LTO about the sustainability label On the way to PlanetProof last week, vegetable manufacturer HAK persists in getting all its freshly processed vegetables and legumes from Dutch soil O...

Last chance accelerated climate subsidies for industry

15 May 2020

Until 30 June 2020, the Accelerated Climate Investment Industry scheme still offers great opportunities for investments in energy efficiency, recycling and reuse of waste, local infrastructure and other CO2-reducing meas...

The future of food safety

15 May 2020

The horsemeat affair, salmonella in smoked salmon, Q fever, bird flu, the pesticide fipronil in eggs; one might almost think that food safety in the Netherlands and Europe is poor. Is it? We discuss it with Marco Balhuiz...

Nocotech disinfects thoroughly

15 May 2020

Nocotech, introduced to the Dutch food market four years ago by Simpel Desinfecteren, disinfects thoroughly. The dry vapour is biodegradable and the system is safe for humans and the environment. Medical sector priori...

Safe disinfection

15 May 2020

Now that the COVID-19 virus is circulating, there is a great demand for disinfectants. There is a shortage on the market, so all registers are being pulled open in the search for reliable products. It is important for yo...

Future Food Group launches new PLNT brand

15 May 2020

Future Food Group has developed its own brand. Under the name PLNT it markets an extensive line of meat substitutes. Products that are not only good for people but also for our planet. With the vision of making meat subs...

The petition is online

15 May 2020

The new website has recently gone live. This website links Dutch people directly to the petition of the True Animal Protein Price (TAPP) Coalition. In the past year, the TAPP Coalition has succes...