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Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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More sustainable palm oil processed in the Netherlands

20 December 2019

The Netherlands is on the right track in the use of sustainable palm oil. The final target (100% sustainable by 2020) is in sight. This is evident from the report of the Dutch Alliance for Sustainable Palm Oil (DASPO). I...

Future of Food

19 December 2019

Vakblad Voedingsindustrie participates in the Future of Food campaign launched by Mediaplanet on 19 December 2019. Learn more about various trends and developments in the field of food. Subjects such as mechanisation, su...

Europeans are willing to pay more for less plastic

17 December 2019

Six out of ten (62%) European consumers say that they are prepared to put their money where their mouth is and pay more for food that contains less plastic packaging. A similar number (59%) say they sort and recycle more...

Bioplastics: compost or not?

17 December 2019

Bioplastics are popular at a time when people are worried about litter and environmental damage. But the question is: Can bioplastics live up to their green image? And are they suitable or not for composting? There is st...

CityLoops: Apeldoorn will close its waste cycle

17 December 2019

Wageningen Food & Biobased Research is going to help the municipality of Apeldoorn to close the local organic waste cycle. This is done in CityLoops, the European project that aims to embed circularity in urban waste...

Organic farming supports eight major SDGs

13 December 2019

The Dutch company Eosta, in cooperation with TU Twente, has mapped out how organic agriculture supports the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. A literature review based on independent publications shows ...

FNLI: ODE blocks greening of food industry

09 December 2019

In order to be able to produce more sustainably, food companies must make major investments in innovations and process innovations. As a result of these investments, the amount of energy required to produce them has fall...

Collaboration Searious Business and Moonen Packaging

05 December 2019

Searious Business and Moonen Packaging have started an intensive collaboration. The goal is clear: by 2030, one hundred percent of the packaging must be made from recycled or renewable raw materials. Together with Moonen...

Lock-ins hinder transition to circular food system

05 December 2019

Minister Schouten of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) aims to make the Netherlands a leader in circular agriculture. However, they are still a long way from achieving this; the current productio...

KIDV publishes recycle check flexible plastic packaging

29 November 2019

On 28 November, the Knowledge Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV) published the Recycle Check for flexible plastic packaging. Producers and importers of packaged products and packaging can use the Recycle Check to...

Residual flows as raw material for animal feed

25 November 2019

The Netherlands must become less dependent on the import of protein-rich products in order to achieve the sustainability of livestock farming. This can be achieved by using more residual flows for the production of anima...

'The role of meat in a healthy diet'

22 November 2019

Not a yes/no discussion about meat, but a discussion based on facts about the extent to which consumers who want to eat meat can do so sustainably. Is a balance possible between nutritional value and climate pressure, so...

Vegamonitor: 'Will eating less meat become standard?'

22 November 2019

More and more Dutch people indicate that they will be eating less meat in the next five years, and people more often think that eating less meat will become the standard in the Netherlands, according to the recently publ...

Coca-Cola starts with KeelClip™ packaging

20 November 2019

On Monday 18 November, Coca-Cola announced the introduction of the KeelClip™. This is a new minimalist cardboard packaging for multipacks cans. Coca-Cola saves 350,000 kilos of new plastic per year in the Netherlands. 14...

200 million for promotion of agrifood

20 November 2019

In 2020, the European Commission will allocate EUR 200.9 million to the financing of promotion activities inside and outside the European Union for agricultural products from the Member States.  The new EU policy...