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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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New packaging solutions for plant-based

14 September 2020

The development, production, packaging and marketing of plant-based food is an inspiring and dynamic process. The North American company Reiser supports companies that sell their vegetable meat substitutes worldwide, say...

Saving time with new high-speed doors at Beko

14 September 2020

The functionality of doors is underestimated, experts in the food industry know this. When building a conditioned room, Beko Groothandel therefore made an analysis of the new doors to be used.  Nothing is produce...

Pioneering innovation: antiviral (wall) panels

14 September 2020

Forget mdf, plywood or chipboard! Discover Sealwise WCB; circular and fully waterproof panels made of recycled PVC. Sealwise WCB, because that's the name of the material, has a number of special properties, of which t...

Naar 50% minder vleesproductie in 2030

14 September 2020

Stegeman, het Nederlandse merk van de Sigma Food Group wil de negatieve milieu-impact van de vleesindustrie verkleinen en streeft naar 50% minder vleesproductie in 2030. Het bedrijf streeft naar het verkleinen van de mil...

Minder verspilling tijdens lockdown

14 September 2020

Een kwart van Nederlandse consumenten verspilde minder voedsel tijdens de covid-19 lockdown. Dit blijkt uit een onderzoek onder 1500 consumenten, uitgevoerd door Wageningen Food & Biobased Research en het Voedingscen...

Vegan meat products range

14 September 2020

As the largest A-brand in meat products, Kips introduced a vegan range at the end of 2018. Under this range the meat-free variants of the current runners were introduced: Chicken Vega Sliced Sausage, Vega Lard Sausage, V...

Lots of potential for local fish

10 September 2020

Entrepreneurs have seen an increase in demand for locally caught North Sea fish among their customers in recent years. Nevertheless, fish from the North Sea is still relatively unknown and unloved among young people. Thi...

WUR: Global biodiversity loss still to be halted

10 September 2020

There is still hope for the preservation of animal and plant species that are rapidly disappearing. This is the conclusion of the international research institute IIASA in collaboration with Wageningen University & R...

TastyBasics wins Annual Good Food Award 2020

10 September 2020

TastyBasics, with its Muesli Noten & Pitten, is the winner of the Annual Prize for Good Food 2020. The title is an award for the valuable contribution that the company makes to improving the diet of the Dutch populat...

Normec Foodcare joins StartLife

09 September 2020

StartLife and Normec Foodcare have joined forces to help innovative food (tech) startups help bring their impactful food products and technologies to the market faster. By making specialized knowledge and services more a...

MBO Challenge Food waste 2020 kicks off

08 September 2020

More than 30 student teams have now registered for the MBO Challenge Food Waste 2020. In addition, the organisation has received more than 25 challenges from companies, organisations and institutions. These can be found ...

The nominees for Foodvalley Champions 2020

08 September 2020

The Nieuwe Melkboer, FUMI Ingredients, Schouten Europe, In Ovo, Protix, VanderSat, Grünten, Fooditive and Verdify are nominated for the Foodvalley Champions 2020. Totally different companies with one thing in common: the...

Schuttelaar & Partners expects food deal after elections

08 September 2020

Sustainable agriculture, economic growth in the food sector and an integrated food policy. That is where the first election debate for next year's elections to the House of Representatives revolved around. Food policy ne...

LTO: Meat tax not popular

07 September 2020

Only a small minority of the Dutch find a meat tax a good solution to stimulate the consumption of less meat, according to a survey among more than 1500 Dutch people, commissioned by LTO Nederland. The study also shows t...

Role of bioenergy in climate change mitigation

03 September 2020

The contribution of large-scale application of bio-energy with CO2 capture and storage (BECCS) over a period of thirty years is relatively limited, according to a study by Radboud University, Utrecht University and the N...