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Health effects of organic food on pigs

Scientists from Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Utrecht University (UU), and the Louis Bolk Institute (LBI) have initiated a large-scale study to investigate the effects of organic food on pig health. This re..

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Vital food sector even after turbulent corona year

14 October 2021

The food industry remains a stable factor for the Dutch economy. This is despite the fact that the Brexit and the corona pandemic made 2020 an unprecedented turbulent year.This is evident from the Food Industry Monitor 2...

Experts wanted for plant-based foods standards committee

14 October 2021

Following an initiative by NEN, the ISO working group 'Plant-based Foods' was recently established. With the development of a new standard, the working group wants to offer clarity to what consumers and food-produci...

Top Ten Foodtrends 2022: Planet is priority

13 October 2021

Consumers now rank the health of the planet as their number one concern, overtaking personal health which has been the top priority in recent years. In its Top Ten Trends for 2022, Innova Market Insights – the world’s mo...

The New Plant opts for sustainability: MULTIVAC

12 October 2021

The New Plant operates two packaging lines, equipped with robots and a labelling and marking system. MULTIVAC's two smart thermoformers are able to produce effectively: "By using robots, the production process is less la...

WUR produces kerosene from bio-based side streams

12 October 2021

Wageningen University & Research has developed a new type of aviation fuel that is produced using bio-based waste streams from the agriculture industry. One of the targets of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED...

Consumer not willing to pay for sustainable agriculture

12 October 2021

The biggest obstacle to making agriculture more sustainable is the higher price of sustainable products. Research reveals that most Dutch consumers are not willing to pay more for sustainable products, while the producti...

CBL ambitions 'Sustainable Packaging' in detail

12 October 2021

In 2025, twenty percent less packaging material in the supermarkets than in 2020 and 95 percent of the packaging material is recyclable. How are the members of the CBL going to achieve these ambitious targets drawn up in...

Packaging contributes to customer service

11 October 2021

Belgian company DECO Frites delivers potatoes peeled and cut into chips to its own region, and to a part of the southern Netherlands. Service and quality are of paramount importance. A new packaging machine helps to keep...

Soft fruit from BerryWorld safely into the world

11 October 2021

Success often depends on being able to respond to changing demand. This also applies to BerryWorld. The fruit company supplies tons of blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries to the retail sector every we...

Synchronous drum motors

11 October 2021

Momentum Technologies' synchronous drum motors have a very high power density and generate enormous power in a small diameter. In combination with their high efficiency and servo characteristics, they are the best choice...

NIZO and StartLife join forces

07 October 2021

On 6 October, NIZO, a Contract Research Organisation in Food and Health, and StartLife, the Dutch agrifoodtech accelerator, announced that they have entered into a strategic and operational partnership to support food an...

NIZO receives grant form REACT-EU

06 October 2021

In response to the Covid pandemic, EU government leaders have decided to establish an “EU Next Generation” recovery programme. Part of this is the REACT-EU program that is being implemented for the Dutch provinces Overij...

Webinar voedselverspilling

05 October 2021

Een te korte houdbaarheid leidt vaak tot voedselverspilling en dat is niet duurzaam. Tijdens het webinar bespreekt Normec Foodcare het spanningsveld tussen duurzaamheid en houdbaarheid.  Wat we bespreken tijdens ...

Launch plant-based food brand 'The Simple Root'

05 October 2021

The Simple Root, an exciting new global plant-based brand backed by world leading FMCG McCain Foods, will launch in the UK later this year, harnessing the power of the potato to create delicious alternatives to dairy bas...

AH publishes book 'Together on the road to better food'

05 October 2021

"Together we can - figuratively - eat our world more beautifully." Writes CEO Marit van Egmond of Albert Heijn in the Dutch book 'Samen op weg naar beter eten' (Together on the road to better food), which was published o...