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Smaak & Co aims for high-risk production environment

Smaak & Co takes no risks when it comes to food safety and quality. The producer of fresh cream cheese products and tapas aims for a high-risk production environment. To achieve this, the company collaborates with re..

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Plantcarb introduces starch with superpowers

31 January 2022

One in ten adults lives with diabetes and the number is rising fast. With diabetes being the world’s fastest growing chronic condition, we need to lower our sugar consumption. Jan Mousing, CEO of the agbiotech company Pl...

X-rays will make plant diets of the future more tasty

27 January 2022

X-rays can be used to examine the tiniest parts of food and provide us with fresh knowledge about what makes yogurt feel soft and what it takes for chocolate to have just the right snap. According to researchers at the U...

Nutri-Score to be introduced in the first half of 2022

19 January 2022

Dutch food producers are expected to be allowed to use Nutri-Score as a logo in the first half of 2022. The logo will then also be suitable for online use. For example, in webshops offering food products, according to th...

Doubts about the effect of a lower VAT rate on fruit and vegetables

19 January 2022

In theory, it is true. Lower the price of fruit and vegetables and consumers will buy more of these products and consume more. This is sorely needed, as the average Dutch person is far from achieving the target of 250 gr...

WHO warns: plant-based often unhealthy

18 January 2022

Whether for health reasons or concerns about the environment, eating less or no meat is becoming more popular around the globe. But as a new WHO/Europe factsheet points out, some plant-based meat and dairy substitutes ma...

Top sectors work on Roadmap Food, Health and Living Environment

18 January 2022

In order to strengthen the health and vitality of the Dutch population, a lot of work needs to be done on strengthening and accelerating prevention. But the question is: how do you bring together the fields of 'food' and...

Number of residues on fruit and vegetables increases

16 December 2021

The Pesticide Action Network Netherlands (PAN NL) observes that Dutch fruit and vegetables contain more and more pesticides. This is evident from an analysis of NVWA measurement data on pesticide residues of the past 7 y...

Salt content in bread stabilises

13 December 2021

For the third year in a row, the weighted average is 1.62% salt on the dry matter. This is apparent from the 2021 edition of the Dutch Bakery Association (NVB) Salt Monitoring. The sector therefore easily satisfies the l...

Field locust approved as food in EU

18 November 2021

After mealworms, residents of the European Union will soon be able to put grasshoppers on the table. The European Commission approves the European field grasshopper to serve as a foodstuff. A Dutch company had requested ...

Online Edition Cleaning and Disinfection November 2021

15 November 2021

For this edition we asked a number of companies about the biggest blunders of last year in the field of cleaning and disinfection. What went wrong? What was the solution? What did you learn from them? This with ...

Cleaning; starting point of every production process

15 November 2021

It is always raining reports at the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA): Salmonella in meatloaves, smoked sausages and in basil spice spreaders, Listeria monocytogenes in frozen corn, allergens in pro...

The 5 biggest hygiene blunders

15 November 2021

We challenged you to give one, preferably as recent as possible, real-life example of a cleaning and disinfection issue you had to deal with. An event that made a deep impression on you, the biggest mistake of the year. ...

Picture this...

15 November 2021

Pim starts a business, in the food industry. He has a great product: fish satay! He has already awakened the interest of a few local restaurants. Now he wants to start professionally. He has found a place to work, bought...

Use your common sense

15 November 2021

Agents used for cleaning and disinfection in the food industry must not leave traces in foodstuffs. Therefore, the cleaning plans and safety worksheets of a cleaning and disinfection agent, such as sodium hypochlorite, s...

Trace Listeria source faster and more precisely

15 November 2021

In 2019, a Listeria Monocytogenes infection at a meat producer in Aalsmeer caused six deaths, two miscarriages and 35 cases of illness. The source of these infections could be traced thanks to Whole Genome Sequencing (WG...