Fair meat price is getting closer and closer
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Fair meat price is getting closer and closer

  • 24 November 2020

55% of residents in the Netherlands, Germany and France are in favour of the introduction of a fair meat price, in line with the TAPP Coalition's plan whereby yields are returned directly to society through sustainability support for farmers, making fruit and vegetables cheaper and compensating for the purchasing power of lower incomes. This is evident from a study by DVJ Insights commissioned by the TAPP Coalition, which was published on 24 November 2020.

A third (33%) of the Dutch, German and French respondents said they were neutral about the plans. This is an understandably large group because it concerns an increase in prices. Only 12% say they are against the import of a fair, slightly higher meat price. So 88% are not against it.

The Netherlands

In the Netherlands only 30% is neutral and the group that is not opposed to it is over 80%. In the Netherlands, 63% are immediately prepared to pay 1 euro more per kilo of meat. This percentage is even higher among VVD voters (72%) and CDA voters (67%), which is striking given that both parties are neutral in the parliamentary debate. The supporters of both parties have tabled amendments in order to better identify themselves in the election programme with a stronger position on meat prices. This will be voted on 12 December by CDA and VVD members.

The Dutch are particularly enthusiastic about the possibility of making vegetables, fruit, potatoes and meat substitutes cheaper with the proceeds of the higher meat price; over 79% support that part of the plan.


Source: TAPP Coalitie