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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Duplaco: 1000 to 1500 tonnes of micro-algae per year

09 March 2020

Microalgae are on the right side of the health spectrum. After all: the single-celled plant without roots and leaves has a complete nutrient profile and multiplies every eight hours. Green fast food.  According t...

HAS Food Experience 2020; Young Talent

09 March 2020

At the 12th HAS Food Experience 230 up-and-coming food professionals presented their projects in the theme 'Today's Food Challenges'. The event has grown into a vibrant platform that helps students with promising concept...

Sustainability is thinking ahead

09 March 2020

Nothing remains the same, not even your company. Where will you be in 25 years? Will your company still make the same products, will you still provide the same service? Do you still exist? We live in a 'VUCA world', lett...

What's true today...

09 March 2020

Last month we did quite a lot with the theme of packaging. During a roundtable discussion with entrepreneurs in food, various problems in this area were denounced. With sometimes fierce discussions and a lot of misunders...

Durable dreams come true in Haps

09 March 2020

In Cuijk, Danone Nutricia has been producing high-quality baby food for over 100 years. Six kilometres away, at Bedrijvenpark Laarakker in Haps, Danone Nutricia built a new ultramodern and sustainable factory on 8.4 hect...

New approach to prevent noroviruses on fruit and vegetables

03 March 2020

A team of researchers from the Technical University of East-Westphalia-Lippe has investigated whether and to what extent noroviruses on fruit and vegetables can be rendered harmless by cold atomization of hydrogen peroxi...

80 million improvement in soil management in Europe

25 February 2020

The European Joint Programme on Agricultural Soil Management (EYP SOIL) was officially launched on 1 February. With the results of EYP SOIL, soil management in agriculture across Europe can be improved and made more sust...

Plastic-saving packaging

24 February 2020

In the dynamics of striving for plastic-saving packaging concepts, we must not lose sight of food safety and the prevention of food waste. That is why MULTIVAC is continuously innovating to further develop packaging tech...

Compostable plastics are allowed with VGF waste

18 February 2020

Researchers from Wageningen Food & Biobased Research have investigated how compostable plastics behave in the current VGF waste treatment process in the Netherlands. Conclusion: compostable plastics can be processed ...

Food waste consumers higher than expected

17 February 2020

Research by Monika van den Bos Verma and her colleagues at Wageningen University & Research shows that consumers are likely to waste far more food than is generally assumed.  In 2005, the Food and Agriculture...

1 million subsidy for research into the market for meat substitutes

14 February 2020

Meat and dairy production is responsible for 16.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Vegetable proteins have a much lower environmental impact. Utrecht University, Delft University of Technology and Wageningen UR will ...

Sustainable packaging: a joint innovation process

10 February 2020

Bringing together people from the industry to exchange insights and share knowledge: that is the purpose of the Roundtable discussions organised by ING in cooperation with the Dutch food industry magazine Vakblad Voeding...

Complicated packaging

10 February 2020

Packaging's great. You can set up (allergen) information, ensure food safety, seduce consumers with attractive shapes and colours, and keep cookies, soup and tomatoes together during necessary transport.  But onc...

"Choosing the right packaging is challenging"

10 February 2020

How can the food sector move towards less plastic and more recyclable and recycled packaging? There are no unambiguous answers, but there are opposing demands and interests and thus major dilemmas. We will discuss this w...

Easy snacking right off the shelf onto the table

10 February 2020

In addition to herring products, Haasnoot Food Family produces around a hundred varieties of tapas. To achieve this, Haasnoot works closely with Sismatec, among others. Vision makes you buy extra and nicely packaged snac...